Thursday, December 31, 2009

Beckl - PeeWee B Ref - 12/19

Game Notes:

0:00 - Point with non-whistle hand on penalties
4:30 - Intentional off sides - I talk about what the interpretation of intentional offsides should be.
8:00 - 2 man officiating - what and when to call in front of your partner (and, yes, you definitely should do this at times)
14:00 - capture the zone on power plays - positioning and controlled turns
16:30 - battle for the first and last 10 feet of the ice (my new Mantra!)
18:30 - check from behind = text book example (of what not to do as a player)
20:00 - neutral zone face off - position yoursefl in the end zone to see the determining edge of the line
22:00 - high sticking the puck = good call!
26:00 - goal line movement - work the line like an NHL ref
27:00 - hockey skills can be practiced and mastered at ANY GAME at ANY LEVEL
31:45 - coming off the wall to view the puck - work the puck/work the check
34:00 - sight lines = work for the best view, the best angle, out of harms way, getting to the net (if applicable)
39:00 - ready position should be an athletic stance

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Harrison - Ref 2-1 High School JV

Game Notes:

1:00 - when play is on other side of the net, work the goal line NHL style towards the net

1:45 - give signals (visual and verbal) to partners when releasing them from the blue line

5:45 - be last one out of zone,keeping all players in front of you

12:00 - being even with the puck in the end zone doesn't mean you have the best sight line - work the puck

16:00 - get to the goal line on scrums/scrambles/all tight plays at the net - ATTACK THE NET

19:00 - be the last one to arrive at penalty bench when announcing penalties - keep all 40 players in your vision at all times if possible

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Trumble - Jr. Gold Lines

Game notes:

9:00 - example of how a skating stride that has trained on a treadmill looks

10:30 - "lock up the breaks" when skating hard to show you're into the game

13:00 - another example of "locking up the breaks"

14:45 - I talk about face off stats from another game Mike lined - 10/14 end zone face offs were clean as a whistle - puck goes down, puck gets out of there, players get out of there, linesman gets clean pathway out of face off circle - all due to control of players on the face off

19:30 - examples of what you would say to yourself

24:30 - DON'T get lulled to sleep by the way the game has gone up to that point

25:30 - an "indicator light" should go off in your head about how the style of the game is changing (BE ALERT, BE ALERT, BE ALERT!)

27:30 - example of great hustle

30:00 - 3rd straight hard hitting penalty - the complexion of the game has started it's tipping point

31:30 - What you say to yourself as a referee in these situations and when you call a 5 on 3.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Being Even w/ the Puck is Not Enough

Work the puck/ work the check.

This video clip shows a save for Toronto goalie, who then gives the puck up, and there is a long break the other way.  The ref gets in front of the play to have a good angle...working for a good sight line...working for the puck.

A lot of officials are just complacent with being even with the puck.  Being even with the puck gives you no angle and no depth perception.  Work for the puck:

Friday, December 11, 2009

Work for the Puck (again) II

Watch referee Brad Watson work to get the best sight line for the puck.  The difference between good hockey referee positioning and great hockey referre positioning is a few more steps.  Watson works hard on those steps:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Work the Puck/Check

See this video:

  Discover Simple, Private Sharing at 

To check out the Ultimate Officials Referee Camp, go [here].

Monday, November 30, 2009

Gut Check (10 of 23)

Got some 'splaining to do...

Where should I be (if working out 6 times a week) = 20 of 23

Where I am (working out an average of 3 times a week) = 10 of 23*

(*the first number is the number of workouts since Nov 9, the second number is number of days since Nov. 9)

Yoga X

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Gut Check (day 8 of 15)

That means I should have had 13 workouts in...5 sick days. No more. No more.


Here's to half-assing it...

PLUS, I got a feeling that this hockey season is going to be a good, good season:
(let's do it):

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Ref Hero, Ian Walsh, Selling the Call

We might have to have a contest on most washouts in a play. Ian Walsh, an American referee who was VERY INSTRUMENTAL in my career (UO Ref Camp Guys...I'll give you the extra dish on "serendipity").

Ian goes big time on the sell here:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gut Check (day 7 of 9)

Chest and Back

* Note : I am going with a new change in how I report my accountability...I have 90 days to get in 78 workouts.

Life is a continual only lose when you are dead (well, kind of, but I don't want to get into any type of spiritual debate here.  I am talking about using every single, stinking minute you have on earth, and ALWAYS push to the goal line!).

I missed a day due to feeling sick.  Therefore, I am a bit behind in the game.  I can overcome that.  I have not lost and I will not EVER lose.  Always push for the goal!

That's the lesson...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Selling Your Call

Watch the referee and his positioning, his reaction to the play, and his conviction.

Is there any doubt whether or not he thinks the high sticking the puck was legal or not?  As a referee, what do you communicate to your partners in regards to high sticks and hand passes.  Whatever the case here, I think his partners have no doubt

(plus watch Thor Nelson come in for the 8 seconds and BLOW HIS WHISTLE -- hint, hint...I am a BIG fan of having a whistle blow to end every period.  Yep).

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gut Check - Day 6

Kenpo X

  • The warm up in this video is something you SHOULD do to warm up for a junior, college, or pro game
  • I will continue to rave on about P90X and how specific it is to hockey referees...BUT...
  • I am going to do a "book report" on Lance Armstrong and do more 'teachable moments'

"Go to Where the Puck Came From"

This advice might seem counter-intuitive, but when working the goal line, you want to (a) get the best sight lines, (b) stay out of harms way, and (c) maintain good sound position on the rink.

In this video example, watch what the ref does when the puck is passed his way...rather than stay there and (a) be too close to traffic and (b) maybe get in harms way, so (c) he doesn't see the "forest from the trees", he instead GOES TO WHERE THE PUCK CAME FROM...

(#11 - Kelly Sutherland)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Finish at the Net!

In this example, watch the referee, who initially signals "GOAL" from a ways out, but continues to the net with his goal signal. 

The inexperienced and/or lazy guy would just stay in the corner.  Always finish at the net!:

Now, this is Being on the Goal Line!

Can't get much better position than this (teehee):

Big Don VanMassenhoven

Gut Check - Day 5

Legs and Back

(I did 5 reps for every pull up set -- not bad, gonna shoot for 10 each!)

Watch the first part of this video to see the proper V-Start (you can watch the rest if you REALLY love physics :)

Working the Puck at the Goal Line

Ultimate Officials Ref Campers will understand what I am talking about...(for more info, go [here]):

Watch the referee "work for the puck" to get the best sightline:

Gut Check - Day 4

Yoga X

Just Because I Like this Guy

Tough, gritty, a warrior...he's the man.

(On a referee instruction note -- my Referee Camp guys have heard this before -- "Work for the Puck".  If a referee were in a "flat" angle, it would be difficult to truly distinguish what the defender (David Hale, former UND Sioux player) was doing with his hands - "stick & gloves/sticks & gloves/sticks & gloves):

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Play WCHA ref, ...answer this one

First of all, I do love to watch Zach Parise.  RELENTLESS.  Yup.  That's him.

How would you call it if you were the referee, stepped into the penalty box to review the goal?

Goalie interference?  Yes?  No? Duno?

Gut Check - Day 3

Shoulders and Arms

I think I need to relax a bit.  This workout had me PUMPED UP! (ahhh, forget it):

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gut Check - Day 2


Videotaping and exercise (intense exercise) can cause your mind to race.  I told you I was going to mind dump...this should be informative.  You might have to watch it twice, because my mind was racing.  Too much to think about - exercise, the next exercise, how to teach others that these exercises will make them faster and stronger skaters, and whether or not someone will actually take the chance to join our [Referee Camp] and really, really make a difference in their life...too much for my brain!  Enjoy:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Gut Check - Day 1 (do over...don't ask)

P90X - Round 3 - Day 1

Chest and Back

Max GXL Info
(you may want to bench press 1 million pounds, you may not, but you should want to push like NO OTHER!):

email me for more info:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Gut Check - Day 1

Here are a few results from Chest and Back (I am not doing any Ab Ripper X, because it sucks).

Standard Push Ups - 24 -18
Military Push Ups - 18 - 12
Wide Push Ups - 15 -10

You fall off the bike?  You get back on it.  You don't ride a bike for awhile?  You lose some "Ooomph!!"

Bring It, People!  Please!  For your sake!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Get Back on The Right Track?

Dude...there's been nothing to report. This is a suck-wad, lame part of life right now. You must really feel suck-wad to be a hockey referee who really wants (or so they say, they 'really want') to move up in life and they do nothing to get better. Suck wad.'s my report for the past 7 days:

MON - sick
TUE - sick
WED - sick
THU - really sick
FRI - not so sick, worked a Jr. game
SAT - getting better, worked 4 Elite II H.S. games
SUN - getting even better, worked 2 Elite II H.S. games, benched a coach and chewed him out (hehehe).

MON 10/26 - coughing up a lung (praying I can start working out tomorrow!). mild nothing but bed rest and then sucking it up for some games (and I was still better in the games, thanks to all of this great conditioning and workouts I have done = SWEET!).

See you tomorrow?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

3rd Place Game - Manitoba vs. Breakaway Per 2

3rd Place Game - Manitoba vs. Breakaway Per 1

Breakaway v. Lake Superior - Per 2 and 3

Breakaway v. Lake Superior - Per 1

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 6, 7, 8, and now 9 = Uggh!

Day 7 - Off Day.  Good stuff.  Watched some great hockey all weekend long in Duluth, MN.  Watched a few guys really, really bring it.  Good stuff.

Day 8-10: Flu season?  Feel like warmed over not-quite-death (I have got myself prepped enough to teach two half days...nothing else but couch time, a bunch of quilts and some cough drops for me).  SUCK!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 5 of Insanity - It's Getting Better!

Plyo Cardio Ciruit

Shaun T is making me push harder.  Whether you believe it or not, I believe I've gotten faster in one weeks time.  At least my endurance is getting better!

Dig Deep or Go Home!

Blades vs. Team Illinois - Per 2

Blades vs. Team Illinois - Per 1

R - N. Missling
L - A. Barlow
L - M. Trumble

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 4 of 60 - Insanity

Footprints in the snow...Hallelujah!

Pure Cardio

Ummm...I thought this was interval training.  This is "Like a Pack of Rabid Wildabeasts Hell Bent for Leather" interval training.


If this doesn't give me quicker feet by the end of 60 days (plus a much trimmer waist line), I don't know what will.

Time for another "Ballsy" thought from Karen Salmansohn:

"You've Gotta Give Good Luck a Nudge...
+ (Balls X 2)
= Good Luck"

Manitoba Express vs. Mistover - Per 3

Manitoba Express vs. Mistover - Per 2

Manitoba Express vs. Mistover - Per 1

D. Glur
M. Trumble
A. Barlow

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Training - Cylces of Training - How's Your Training?

Well, boys and girls, today is Thus. Oct. 8 and I am in a week of basically nothing.  I got two workouts in this week and that's OK with me.  You see, for the past 26 weeks I have worked out at least 3 times a week, and during the past 13 weeks, I have worked out 5 days a week on average...that means 65 workouts in those 13 weeks. 

I need a rest.  It keeps me sane.  BUT!...only for one week.

I do this to keep it fresh.  I may be preaching to a really, really small choir here, but if you workout constantly all the time, week in and week out, two things happen (and they are both bad): (1) you get sick-and-tired of it and then you quit for a long period of time, or (2) your body just adapts and you get no growth.

Keep it fresh.  If you did 12 weeks on, 1 week off, and followed that for one calendar year, that would be 52 weeks worth of  GAINS, KICKING SERIOUS BUTT, and KEEPING IT FRESH, and...One calendar year!

Let's see where you are at in one year...fatter? slower? older?  Not me.

** See you on Monday October 12 for 60 days of Insanity!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 88 - P90X - Core to the Core

Core Synergistics

Well...I am gassed.  Doing this workout twice in one's a bi-yotch.  There will be no sugar coating here.

I did succeed with the following:

* Completed 11 Prison Cell Push Ups (I did 11 two days ago as well).

* I did Plank to Chataranga Run with 10 Chatarunga steps - Plank - 6 Chatarunga steps - Plank - 6 Chat's

* I did a 1 minute plank on my elbows for a minute straight

* Did the High/Low Push Up Under Deal for the entire time



(Hope your workouts are going well...or...just...going.  Well!)

Lake Superior vs. Team Illinois Per 2

Period 2 Video

Lake Superior vs. Team Illinois Per 1

Period 1 Video:

Day 87 - P90X - Workout 2

Kenpo X

Good DNA removal.  Pushed myself hard, because it is the last Kenpo workout of the 90 days.

Hope this helps:

BTW, I put the visor on backwards to get into my "Chuck Norris" persona...looking at the video, I may look more like this guy (HAHAHAHA):

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

MN Breakaway vs. Manitoba Per 2

Second Period Action:

Day 87 - P90X - Skating Legs of Steel!

Yoga X

This a.m. workout was the moving portions of Yoga X.  I have come a loooonnnnggg way since I first started doing this workout.

The bitch is at the end = half moon, standing splits, twisting half moon.  These moves all put my hammies, my calves, and my arse muscles into some serious isometric muscle-building pain.  Powerful, powerful stuff.  Doing all of these workouts will definitely get you into that deep knee bend and athletic positions for power, strength, flexibility, and speed.

Here is a picture of my  Half Moon (it's the best I can do...Do your best and forget the rest):

Notice a few things:

1.If you don't have a yoga mat, you are really going to be limited (I bought my cheapie at Target and it works great).

2. My back leg is more like 45 degrees than at 90's the best I can do.

3. I am unable to hold this pose with my right arm straight.  I have to balance myself by placing it on my lumbar spine.

4. My arse muscles are on fire in this pose!  It's a tough bugger.

5. Notice I have pictures on the wall of Bobby Hull and Arnold Schwarzenegger for inspiration.  Also notice my "yoga blocks" (those are the paint cans -- they also double as push up bars).

5. Notice the have GOT to have one of these unless you REALLY like working out in a pool of your own sweat (see next pic):

MN Breakaway vs. Manitoba Per 1

D**N!!! I accidentally deleted the live blog! Sorry, I will make sure to do notes in periods 2 and 3

Period 1 Action:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 86 - P90X - What in the "h" is Your Athleticism?

Core Synergistics

Hot dang, is this a good workout! To be athletic...well...let's stop there and review:

To be the best official you can possibly be, you always need to push the envelope on your athleticism...

Here are the 9 Elements I am Pushing for being in the best shape and being the best athlete:

1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance (Plyos, Kenpo, Cardio X)

2. Stamina (Plyos, Kenpo, Cardio X, Yoga X, Core Synergistics, Legs and Back)
3. Strength (Chest/Back, Chest/Shoulders/Tris, Back and Biceps, Legs and Back, Yoga, Ab Ripper)

4. Flexibility (Yoga, Core Synergistics, Kenpo, X Stretch)

5. Power (Yoga, Legs and Back, Plyos)

6. Speed (Plyos, Kenpo)

7. Coordination (Core Synergistics, Yoga)

8. Agility (Plyos, Kenpo, Cardio X)

9. Balance (Yoga, Core Synergistics)

Core Synergistics really pushes the envelope with a number of these elements.  In fact, I will have a video coming out that is P90X complimentary and talks about hockey referee athleticism (I will put it in this link as a post-edit addition when done). But, I want you to notice in parentheses the P90 workouts that cover each area.

Note: I can almost do that d*mn Dreya Roll...I have one more chance to do it this week.  That's 6 months of work and no results = piss me right off!!

Game 1 - Blades v. Miss-Stover

View period 2 Here:

View period 3 Here:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 85 - Another Off Day...Hockey Season Conditioning

Here's what I have discovered to work best for me during the hockey season:

Train hard 4 days a week.  For me, its usually Tue through Friday.  Even if I am reffing games on Tuesday through Friday nights, I am still working out then.  I will workout on Monday, too, if I feel real spunky.  Otherwise, the 4 workout days work for me.  I am definitely pushing myself to get even more gains in athletic ability.  I won't just go through some stuff for maintenance.  I really don't believe in maintenance (do you think elite athlete's really believe in maintenance?  I am talking about something like riding a stationary bike for 30 -45 minutes?  Forget it!  I read stories about Wes Walz in his late 30's, skating for the Minnesota Wild, and running on a treadmill AFTER a game.  Or you hear about guys riding a stationary bike AFTER a game...there's no wimpy workouts in there).

To adjust for the demands I put upon myself on the ice (because I "Bring It" every game I work), I will lay off the gas pedal a bit by limiting the days I less than 3 and 4 seems to be the magic number.

REMEMBER: When I went through P90X the first time through, I averaged 3-4 workouts a week, and cut 2 inches off my waist, added two inches to my chest and 1/4 inch to my arms and legs.

So....see you in the workout room tomorrow!

(By the way, through my great friend and SWAT Teammate, Adam Shadiow, I now have been introduced even more to the Insantiy workouts.  That's what I am going to do next.  Gulp!)

Day 83 and 84 - Hockey and More Hockey

I have started to get into the hockey routine.  I will explain more about that in my next post.

Saturday - Off Day -- Reffed 3 Elite II games

I was much more pleased than two weeks ago when I did a High School 3 game set.  My legs were much better, had better jump, and better speed.

** A REAL PERSONAL NOTE: I am 37 yrs. old, planning on reffing competitively until I am 60 [see here - if Chelios can play NHL until he's 46, I can ref until 60!].  I won't make the claim that my skating is the best it has ever been.  I am not the same skater I was when I was 27 yrs. old, or younger.  However, I will make the claim that I am better than I was at age 30.  Proof enough to me that you can get results with hard work and dedication, regardless of what age you are.  I won't claim you'll skate like at 25 year old again, but you can certainly ref at a high, high competitive level.  By the way, the average age of the 4 refs who worked the Stanley Cup Finals this past Spring was 50!

Sunday - September 27 - No workout

Today I instructed the Level 4 Seminar in Duluth, MN.  That meant 5 hours of driving, an 8 hour seminar, and a couple of beers.  Not gonna stress the missed workout.  Besides, it is a Recovery Week and that means (2) Yogas, (2) Core Synergistics, (1) Kenpo, and (1) X Stretch.  I will choose to blow off the X Stretch this week.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 82 - P90X - Last Workouts of Week 12

"Two-a-Day" Day!!!

Back on the pond tomorrow!!

Cardio X

This is one great workout!  It gives a lot of the best of the following: Yoga - Kenpo - Plyos - Core

Wacky Jacks = "footprints in the snow" = fast twitch muscles = first-step speed = see this [link]

Back and Bi's

I think I might agree...this routine is boring (maybe it's all that "Inna Gada Davida" type music in the background.  They should have something like this (it would make me think I was back in the High School weight room at East Grand Forks Senior High!):

However, I did "Bring It" with the pull ups.  I kept thinking about Lorraine.  No....not that way (although the German accent is kind of cute).  I knew I had to match her efforts when doing pull ups!

{In my best Tony Horton voice}: "If that ain't P90X, I don't know what is!"

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 81 - Life (parenting) Gets In the Way

No workout today.  Not much to say about that.  What can I say?

Here's what I'll say -- putting my belief in [Social Aptitude] to the test...

I had someone recently say they'd do all 6 of their workouts for the week or they won't ref the upcoming season.  Now that's putting it on the line!

I'll follow that motivation by saying I'll get my two in tomorrow or same deal.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 80 - 10 More Left! - I Kind Of Beat Lorraine

Chest and Shoulders

Way back when (actually on [Day 16]), I said that I wanted to beat Lorraine on the Chest and Back DVD.

Here is a picture of my results:

Anywhere you see a

Dive bombers at the end...forget it!  Toast!  I could only muster 2 of them!

Here are my oldest daughter's stats:

* Note of the day = What's your Motivation...some days I just want to "crush play" and do Plyos...sometimes I really want to do Yoga...sometimes the muscle building routines are all I want.  I will mix up a week to fit my needs, time frame, schedule, and, yes, motivation.  The thing I DON'T WANT you to do is say, "I ain't motivated to do anything..." = bad!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 79 - Contest Update

My ballpark guess is that most people who signed up for the [12 Week Transformation] are in their 8th to 9th week or so.

To further illustrate my talk about [percentages], here is the numbers for the SWAT Transformation Contest:

76 people were presented with the "Challenge"

29 people raised their hand and said they were "interested" (there's around 40% - that means 60% are doing nothing)

20 people actually signed up to participate (we just lopped off another group, so we've now got the top 25%)

8 people actually took the step to turn in their "before" and "after" pics, and do their daily accountability
(so now we are down to the top 10%)

And of those 8 people, my subjective opinion is that 5 are really, really "Bringing It" (the top 6%)

Where do you fall into this mix?  Care to comment?

Day 79 - Fat Guys and DQ

When you work out, do you have a particular thing you fixate on to motivate yourself?

When I was in high school, I was an All-Conference Guard on our football team.  Yep, I played guard.  Used to be a running back, but wanted more action on the line, so I demanded that I be put there.  Anyway, during the off-season training in our weight room in East Grand Forks (usually with some type of AC/DC music playing ...hehehe), I pushed myself hard by imaging all the "fat ass-es" I would be guarding on the line.  I imagined them being at the Dairy Queen rather than at the weight room.  When I pushed up the weights, I imagined pushing their fat ass all over the field.

When I was in college, and I was training hard to be the best referee, I imagined some guy in Alaska working hard and that I had to work harder than them.  I imagined working the Frozen Four tournament in St. Louis, MO or imagined working an IIHF tournament in Montreal.

Today = Plyos X

I imagined all the lazy, thumbsucking refs I saw this past weekend in Blaine (about 50% of them were worthless - or should I say, not worthy of the games they were working), and I pushed through my workout imagining out-performing them on the ice.

What do you think about? (Hopefully not that these workouts suck and can I get through as quick as possible).

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 78 - Week 12 Starts tonight!

It's really hard to believe, but week 12 starts tonight.  I am on a new work schedule ever since the [BIG ANNOUNCEMENT] and I will be doing my workouts at night (because I am kind of OCD, which some people think is un-healthy, but not me...;)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 76 and 77- Days Off -Rest

After completing 6 workouts this past week (including our last and most successful treadmill sessions), I observed the North America Hockey League Showcase at Blaine, MN.

Not surprisingly, the vast amount of officials I saw fell into 6 categories:

1. Officials Development Program (ODP) Guys - Vets - get it, understand, do most of the small things right

2. ODP Guys who are Lazy, Thumbsuckers - There's about a 45%/54% split, with the 54% being the lazy, thumbsuckers.

3. 1% ODP guys who are new and were trying hard.

4. [SWAT Team] members, who were all giving a 100% honest effort, with professionalism and pride.

5. SWAT members (who are not paid members, but do it for FREE) who all were so-so or even below average.

6. Non SWAT Team guys/gals who were really good (that was about 3 or 4 people - that's it - no one else).

NONE OF THESE [PERCENTAGES] SURPRISE ME ONE BIT.  Commitment from people generally turns into commitments elsewhere.  We are creatures of habit and pursuit of excellence is a habit, too.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 75 - My P90 Non-Hype Testimonial

Legs and Back

The quiet feeling of satisfaction...that sense of accomplishment...the feeling of being a FINISHER!

I had to put it into words:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 74 - P90X - I am Amazed at all the Videos

This blog is my accountability.  Guess what???  It works.  If I am going to slack and cheat, I have to report it here...and I hate doing that.

One of Life's Lessons = That's why some people never try...they would have to answer as to why they didn't do it and that would make them take a good look in the mirror.

Back when I first started P90X in April, I stumbled across this video.  It still resonates today:

Shoulders and Arms

Think you should do this stuff on your own?  Yeah, it might work.  You could get results.

How about in a group?!?

Social Aptitude - That's what it is all about.  

Example 1: I get a "tweet" (those of you who underestimate the power of accountability and using twitter as your accountability diary are only cheating yourselves.  I have yet to have someone prove me wrong - except for example 2 -so I will keep saying it until they do prove me wrong.)

Adam tweeted and said that he improved his Chair Dips from 10 and 8 reps to 2 sets of 20.  Well, I had to go back through my archives:

Looks like I used to do 2 sets of 20 reps and today I did 30 reps and 23.  Bring It!
Example #2: So I come across these videos on youtube of a couple people I knew (and some I don't know) and I see them post a video day after day after day.  Well...I can't let my friends pass me up!
Here's the latest today:
(I don't even know these people, but they follow my stuff - yep - Social Aptitude):
** I am a little nervous about her advice on not drinking.  Not that I am promoting drinking, but this is habit transformation...not a once in a lifetime deal...and I am a FIRM, FIRM believer in a [cheat day] - better research there.  My fear is that once someone would finish this program, they'd go right back to bad habits and end up at square one again (uggh!).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 73 - P90X - Plyos (didn't do) - Cardio X instead

Cardio X

I have not done this workout in a LONG time.  This is a GREAT one.  It's short...has the whole the skating the contralateral core the quickness of feet (Kenpo)...and burns off the following, according to Tony Horton:

1. goo
2. grissle
3. grime
4. gunk
5. garbage

5 G's, Baby!  Even Donald Trump (who has been know to call people "baby" would love that!)!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 72 - P90X - Yoga = Thighs of Steel!

Yoga X

Well, I have come a loooonnnngggg way in yoga over the past 5 months.  I only fell out of one pose today, and had to come out of a pose due to excrutiating fire burning in my thighs.

15 minutes into the workout the beads of sweat were starting to roll off my head.

After the Chair Poses and Twisting Chair Poses, I was starting to breathe heavily.

The Right Angle Poses were too much again and I had to come out of them.

Standing Splits...Warrior III...ugghhh...did my best...felt like a dip-wad...soldiered on.

All Muscle, Steel and Sex Appeal (hahaha!)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 71 - P90X - Rocking It Again!!

Chest, Shoulders, and Tris

So, it is week 11 and I should be doing Chest and Back...well...I got my butt kicked last week by Chest, Shoulders, and Tris (particulary all the push up moves), so I was BOUND and DETERMINED to Bring It today! 


I had my best session ever on this one.  I did four one-armed push ups, with good form and dropping deep, per arm from my knees.  Not quite Jack Palance, but I am getting closer.

Plus, I did 10 clap push ups.  I am very satisfied today!  {can't wait to skate again!}.

Days 69 and 70 - The Winter Season Begins

Training for hockey, or any specific sport, should go through different stages of periodization.  To make clear that sentence up better, I will break down 365 days in the life of a hockey referee this way:

1. Winter Season - this is the "real deal" season.  This is where you are working to continually conquer the league you are at (trademark, Terry Gregson).  This is the "true season".  This is the one where you DEFINITELY want to work the Championship game and/or Finals.

2. Off Season Development Games - I characterize these games as end-of-thee-season all star festivals, Advanced 15/16/17 tryouts, Elite I and Elite II games, etc.  These are hockey games/tournaments where (a) there is REAL coaching (not just some parent volunteer, etc.).

3. Off Season Training - This is what you do to train your body hard for the upcoming Winter season.

Of all of these seasons, the Off Season Training is where you push yourself the hardest.  You do Need to have a period of recovery/relaxation in your routine (I'd suggest 3 weeks on/1 week off...even 3 most HARD, 1 month "Coast" -- something to keep it "fresh" and avoid "burnout").


I am now in Season #1 up there.  I limit my workouts on game days.  I will go from 6 days a week with fervor and drive, to 4-5 days of maintenance.  This is not necessarily a time to push yourself to unbelieveable gains.  This is a time to "keep your edge".

I am going to stop at this point, because this is kind of like trying to describe archetecture through print.  Tough.  Check out [Jack instead].

email me if you want more info:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 68 - P90(Not!)

Boy, I haven't used the phrase "NOT!" in awhile...


That's what I felt like last night and that's what I did today. No workout today for me. After the Treadmill training last night, I was completely gassed. I don't know if it's because I did (3) workouts yesterday, or if it's because I tried the ultra-discipline thing of fasting on Wednesday. Yep, I had NOTHING to eat all day (don't ask me why...I got the idea from a golf book, believe it or not---ask me about it, if you really want to know. Somehow, I can weave Gary Player into the story).

I am also a bit nervous of doing 3 HS Elite II games on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. I want to absolutely ROCK IT on the ice.

Normal workouts for me next week, and more talk about really following my new stricter diet

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 67 - P90X - 2-a-Day

First workout = Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

Why can I kill the push ups in the Chest and Back workout and this workout brings me to my knees?? Seriously.... I am so gassed that doing 5-6 push ups from my knees is tough. However, I did manage some decent (that number being 4 total) one-handed push ups!

(she looks a LOT better than me!)

I love the muscle build using the resistance bands. Yeah, baby!

Work out #2: Kenpo X:

Bonk-City...I tried something new. I did the workout in the same hightop basketball shoes I do the muscle building workouts in...too heavy. I thought, "Yeah, I will get a little extra weight resistance when I do all of my kicks!" I'm going back to barefoot.

I will be more focused next time. I also need to do the cardio workouts first and then do the muscle build ones second, if I am doing a 2-a-day workout.

2 down...22 to go for this Round of P90X!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 66 - P90X - Planning Prep Planning

90 -66 = 24 Days

I have 24 days left in my 90 day round. I have made a couple of changes to a stricter eating plan...I have made a few changes in my schedule, because I am no longer in "off season" mode...and I have made a new change in my mindset...


1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. Planning

I have 24 days to get in 24 workouts = 4 weeks with 6 workouts per week.

At first blush, it would look like I can't take a day off. I will. I will not work as hard on hockey days. Ohhh, I will still workout. Just different.

I have become pretty adept at 2-a-day workouts, and I will use them quite a bit during this last "push".

Therefore, I am not working today due to my schedule change. My routine will become more balanced, and I can't wait until I hit the ice this Saturday for my first Elite II games.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 - Gone Fishing

I will be at our family cabin for the Labor Day Weekend. No internet, no phones (text messaging only)...just me and God's country.

I vouch to do (2) workouts over this 5 day span = Kenpo X and Legs and Back

Have a great weekend!!

Day 60 - Two a Days PLUS Treadmill Tonite!!

I'm working two-a-days again today. Why?

1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. Planning*

(*) I had a short week because (a) I worked the DOS in Blaine on Sunday and (b) I'm going to the cabin for the Labor Day weekend tonight, after the treadmill session.

Legs and Back

Delicious! This is one my faves, because there are no repeating exercises (that can be annoying, especially when you hated it the first time!), and the leg exercises are ALL HOCKEY REFEREE SPECIFIC. Sweet!

Remember when I was dead doing the "Sneaky Lunges"?? No more. Bring IT!

Shoulders and Arms

This is the only workout that I skip ahead during each exercise. I mean...come on...they allow like 50 seconds per exercise, and if you are doing 8-10 reps, it doesn't take that long.

So I skip to the next session. And I skip the ballistic stretching. And I skip the Bonus Round.

And it takes me 35 minutes to do the workout. And I love it! (And if Mrs. Sheridan, my 10th grade English teacher, knew I was writing like this, using "And" before multiple sentences, she'd be all over my case-- Sorry, Mrs. S!).

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 59 - Thighs of Friggin' Steel

Yoga X

That's how I view this workout...knee-bender's delight! This is all about getting low.

I tried something different today and would suggest it for you (if you aren't easily hurt).

Try a workout with your shirt off/just in jog bra.

Talk about psychological...I thought the "before" picture was I will rethink some of my choices in life. Man...watching what I thought was a trim stomach do all that flabby made me want to put my shirt back on! Kind of like when you see a dude at the beach in Speedo's, who has absolutely no business wearing Speedo's.


Since it is State Fair time here...seeing a girl in spandex shorts that should NEVER be in spandex shorts.

Those of you skipping your photos...your before and afters...your measurements...your just short-changing yourself!

(I could have posted a REAL nasty picture here...):

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 58 - P90X - It Seems to Be Everywhere!

1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. Planning

This week I have 4 days to get in 6 workouts....

Doing the (2) cardio killers today:

Plyos X

Can you believe that I get through this workout without thinking the Good Lord is punishing me for my sins???

That's what continually bringing it does.

Now off to workout #2:

Kenpo X

{see you in 50 minutes - and I ain't changing shirts :) I think I'm being punished.


I tried to quit three times. I actually shut the DVD player off twice, walked out of the room, and was going to say, "One P90 workout today is enough." I knew my accountability...I knew I had to answer as to why I couldn't meet my goals, and I pushed play again.

I'm dead...but, YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 57 - Phase 3 - P90X (5 Weeks to Go!!)

This 12 week Transformation (90 days is actually 13 weeks, but that's an unlucky number and 12 sounds better than 13) ends for me on Oct 3...and then things really start.

Chest and Back

The first and most basic routine that as added more muscle to me than weeks of bench presses, barbells and dumbbells ever did!

Here's my end of Phase 2 Picture:

Not much change from the end of Phase 1 picture:

Here's to even greater gains (and losses!) in this last phase. Bring It!

Day 54, 55, and 56 - Minnesota DOS

No workouts this weekend. I knew that coming in to the weekend, and got my 5 scheduled workout in prior (more like 4.5 -- and I chose to skip Stretch X, because I don't really care for it. At all.)

This week is another abbreviated week -- 4 days to workout...6 FULL workouts...two (2) a days.

I am into Phase 3, which is a HUGE, HUGE push! It's the last 5 weeks of the program. My season starts in 12 days. I am pumped to "Bring It" off the ice and on the ice.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 53 - Abbreviated Workout - pre DOS

Core Synergistics

So...I got up at 2:00 am this morning to cut a bunch of video clips for the District Officiating Seminar(DOS) in Blaine, MN this weekend, and I still had to do an abbreviated workout due to time restraints.

Now, I know that I have been harping on 1. Planning, 2. Preparation, and 3. Planning...but...seriously...should I have gotten up at 1:00 am instead??? Two hours of sleep???

However you look at it, I feel comfortable with the outcome because it is recovery week. I have been feeling really good lately (minus the sore butt cheeks from doing two rounds of Yoga X this week).

My family is off to the State Fair today. Yum, yum (there will no following of any type of diet today!). Deep fried Snickers Bar, here I come!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 52 - P90X - I'm Tellin' Ya

Yoga X

Here's what I have been doing with this workout for (2) reasons:

1. I only the the first half of the workout, because I am concentrating on NAILING all of those poses.

(I am almost there. I have to "come out" of some of the right angle poses for a bit to rest, and Warrior 3...all I can say is, "Do your best, and forget the rest.")

2. It's a LONG workout. I'm a busy guy. 45 minutes is enough for me to be super concentrated (is that a word?). Otherwise, it's like trying to do 25 reps of every Ab Ripper move...I just get all sloppy and can only think about getting the damn thing over with!

When I concentrate for 45 minutes, my quality is MUCH better. And those are the hockey referee-specific moves I want to master.

I love this explanation. So true. The results prove it!:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 51 - P90X - (Recovery Day = Ugh!)

Core Synergistics

Boy do I sweat doing this workout. I always have to remember to breathe, so I don't blow a gasket!

Here's my successes:

1. Did 10 Chatarunga Steps on the PLANK TO CHATARUNGA RUN followed by 5 Chatarunga Steps and then 7 Chatarungas...all while doing the plank runs inbetween!

2. I am always so gassed after that, that there is no way I can do the Walking Push Ups...I always choose to do a plank for 1 minute...I did it!

3. I did 8 Prison Cell Push ups = ugh!

Here's my not-so success -- Not even close on the Dreya Roll (stupid move!!!...makes me feel like a clod!!!)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 50 - Somehow I Got My Day Count Off

The chart on the wall in my workout room says, "Aug 24 = Day 50"

I will have to go back through my posts and see where I goofed...(I have now done that and realized it happened way back on day, from now on, I'll just use the correct Day and Date)


Yoga X

As I was going through the different types of poses that put some MAJOR STRESS on your thighs, creating big-time burn (and BIG-TIME muscle build, too!), I realized that this workout is PERFECT for building skating legs.

I was thinking back to last Thursday when I was on the skating treadmill. Tony, the instructor, said, "Have you videotaped yourself skating lately? You've gotten really low on your knee bend."

Answer = I have not skated on the treadmill for a full training session since June 25. In that time frame I have been doing no on-ice training...ONLY P90X...and the Yoga poses are perfect for building that deep knee bend.

I Love It! And you should, too!

Warrior 1 Pose:

Day 46, 47, and 48

Day 46 = Rest Day/Cheat Day

Had the Zebra Open Golf Tourney Today...imbibed in some beverages...had some good ol' fashioned picnic food, and had a GREAT time with 53 people who took "A Swing at Cancer".

Day 47 and 48 = Ultimate Officials Training Camp

Watched hockey all day on Saturday (over 14 hours worth at the rink!), ate very well in regards to being disciplined.

Sunday I used as a "chill out" day. No workouts...ate sensibly. Enjoyed the day.

Let's Get You Faster. Period.

This is one example of the video analysis we will do with you. See the videos below:

In fact, we offer this analysis FREE of CHARGE!

What do I need to get started?

1. Video Camera: This service is being provided 100% online. Thus, the only way that I can see your swing is using video. (If you are looking at purchasing a new video camera, I would highly recommend any of the Sony HD video cameras.)

2. Camera Set Up: Ideally, we get a shot of you coming at the camera from the FRONT, a shot of you going away from the camera from the BACK, and a shot from the side.

3. Video of Skating: Take a couple of shots (a) skating forwards, (b) skating backwards.

4. Send Swings: Once you have video taped your swings, send them to You should receive an email from me within 48 hours confirming I have received your information. You may be asked to fill out a short survey. If you are, please fill it out quickly and thoroughly.

5. Coaching Tips/Training Tips: I will edit and produce a video clip, much like the ones you see here, and a workout plan will be included. There will be specific information on exercises to make your stride more powerful, quicker, faster "first-step speed", and with greater agility.

(NOTE: These training tips are not included in the video. These are techniques I have learned from teaching hundreds of skaters over 15 years, and I only save those for the hockey referees who are SERIOUS).