Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 79 - Contest Update

My ballpark guess is that most people who signed up for the [12 Week Transformation] are in their 8th to 9th week or so.

To further illustrate my talk about [percentages], here is the numbers for the SWAT Transformation Contest:

76 people were presented with the "Challenge"

29 people raised their hand and said they were "interested" (there's around 40% - that means 60% are doing nothing)

20 people actually signed up to participate (we just lopped off another group, so we've now got the top 25%)

8 people actually took the step to turn in their "before" and "after" pics, and do their daily accountability
(so now we are down to the top 10%)

And of those 8 people, my subjective opinion is that 5 are really, really "Bringing It" (the top 6%)

Where do you fall into this mix?  Care to comment?


  1. I am very confident that I am in the group "Bringing It". I am not going to lie, I have missed a workout here and there but overall, I have kept to a routine and the results are increased strength, flexibility and stamina. And the physical changes are nice too.

  2. That makes me 2 of 5. For 12 weeks I haven't missed a workout. I won't lie and say that I have been 100% with it each and every time. And I can't say that I have done every Ab Ripper Exercise, but when I post my before and after... It is uncanny. Literally almost unbelieveable. I can't wait for next Sunday so that I can get things going again with a "Lean" approach.
