Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 60 - Two a Days PLUS Treadmill Tonite!!

I'm working two-a-days again today. Why?

1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. Planning*

(*) I had a short week because (a) I worked the DOS in Blaine on Sunday and (b) I'm going to the cabin for the Labor Day weekend tonight, after the treadmill session.

Legs and Back

Delicious! This is one my faves, because there are no repeating exercises (that can be annoying, especially when you hated it the first time!), and the leg exercises are ALL HOCKEY REFEREE SPECIFIC. Sweet!

Remember when I was dead doing the "Sneaky Lunges"?? No more. Bring IT!

Shoulders and Arms

This is the only workout that I skip ahead during each exercise. I mean...come on...they allow like 50 seconds per exercise, and if you are doing 8-10 reps, it doesn't take that long.

So I skip to the next session. And I skip the ballistic stretching. And I skip the Bonus Round.

And it takes me 35 minutes to do the workout. And I love it! (And if Mrs. Sheridan, my 10th grade English teacher, knew I was writing like this, using "And" before multiple sentences, she'd be all over my case-- Sorry, Mrs. S!).

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