Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 5 - P90x

Workout #1 of the Day -- YES, accountability-friends!...I am committing to 2 workouts today, because I don't want any of YOU to pass me up!

Legs and Back -

If you have any reservations, questions, or hesitations in buying the P90X program, your money spent on the 12 DVD's will be MORE than paid for with just this workout = KILLER leg workout for skating muscles.

* Single Leg Wall Squats = WOW!

* One Legged Dead Lifts...I could only do 15 and I was sloppy

* Switch Grip Pull Ups - I could only do 4 and I almost fell to the floor and killed myself!

* Sneaky Lunges = 2 minutes and 30 seconds of DEATH!

* Groucho Walk - I did it and boy is that good for those "V-Start Muscles"

* Chair Salutations -- 30 second reps = I did it!!!

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