Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 10 - P90X Part 1


This week I have to adjust things accordingly (that's why documenting your results/accountability is SOOOO important - you know....success is NOT an accident...luck is when chance meets preparation...the 12 weeks is about transforming your physical fitness AND your habits of excellence...I plan so I don't miss out!).

Back to my week...I am playing with a group of referees in the Galen Nagle Memorial Golf Tournament in Bemidji, MN this Friday. That is usually a workout day. So, either I skip a workout or I double up on another day.

Today I am doubling up. I did 45 minutes of Yoga X this morning. I was sloppy, falling all over the place (it has been a few weeks since I have done that workout and it's amazing how much you lose in the area of balance and coordination here, too).

When you first try this workout, you are going to be like, "GIVE ME A BREAK!"

I love this workout and I will put this workout up against any run-of-the-mill workouts that someone else is doing. ESPECIALLY, if they want to improve their skating!

(p.s. When I get the time, I will put together a video montage of my yoga where I stumble all over the place and you'd think it was a blooper is that challenging...not to mention the sweat pouring off me when I do the workout!)

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