Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 5 - P90X = Number 2 = NOPE!

I am too fagged out (that's a term my father-in-law uses, which I find rather strange).

I busted it this a.m. with the Legs and Back routine.

I am too worn out. I started the workout, but quit 10 minutes into it.

Moral of the Story = commit to your exercises every day...saying you'll make them up in the future is usually a pointless gesture. You never make them up (well, sometimes on occasion). It's lost opportunity.

Moral of the Story 2 = If you miss a day...forgive yourself and move on. Get right back on the wagon the next day. The big mistake most people make is they'll miss a day and then write the whole week off! Next thing you know it turns into a month! I missed a day this is now written off.

There...accountability out there for all of you to see. No excuses.

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