Thursday, July 9, 2009

Why a Challenge (NOW -regardless of the date) is FOR YOU!

The $1000 Bet - Laying It on the Line - and - The Best D*mn Refs I Know

1. Accountability - Are you going to do what you said you were going to do???

Check out this link for some accountability: [Click Here - $1000 Bet]

That guy laid it out on the line! He posted just about EVERY single day of what he had DONE (note: not what he was going to do).

2. Social Aptitude - I am going to copy a section from a magazine article in "Muscle Media" (March 2003) titled, "Creating Your Optimum Athletic Mindset". The author, Charles Staley, talks about SOCIAL APTITUDE:

"I don't care how much of an introvert or a loner you may be, or think you are, you can't reach high level success on your own. You need to surround yourself with others who share your goals and commitment to them. And the more spectacular your goals are, the more you need this support. By definition, winners are people who pursue goals that most other people would consider to be impossible. Recently a friend of mine joined a powerlifting clug, where he quicly noticed that he was by far the weakest person in the gym, despite being fairly strong by any other standard. Within a month my friend had added more than 100 pounds to his lifetime best squat! How? Well, he learned some technical poin ters for sure, and he trained very hard, but essentially, he got stronger by osmosis. In other words, just by being in the presence of a lot of guys who were far stronger than he was, just out of pure intimidation and (probably) embarassment, he got a lot stronger very, very fast.

Whether it's a matter of finding a good training partner or joining a coaching group, find people who share your goals and commitment. This can be one of the most result-producing decisions you ever make."

3. The Best D*mn Refs I Know -- That's where the SWAT Team is going. I am spreading the word. Guys are moving up in the world. This Fitness Contest is more about your mental state, your mental habits, your mental disciplines than any thing else.


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