Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 24 - P90X

Kenpo X

DNA removal, indeed!

When I first began P90X, I was an absolute FOOL! when I did things like Kenpo X...all over the place!...absolutely NO coordination...definitely NO speed.

This is extreme, boys and girls. The more people I introduce to this, the better. Skating involves 9 different physical fitness elements:

1. speed
2. power
3. agility
4. coordination
5. cardiorespiratory stamina
6. accuracy
7. quickness
8. endurance

You'd better be ready to Bring It! And if you are BONKING (aka no energy, which is different from being a pussy), you'd better check this out: You Need More Glutathione

Whey protein...vitamins...Omega 3's...sure, they're all great. You need something with some BALLS.

Ballsy Quote of the Day:

"Out of Sight =
Out of Mind =
Out of Work"
(my take = out of sight, out of playoffs for you!)

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