Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 11 - P90X

Kenpo X
Ab Ripper X

First-step speed - explosiveness - quickness - agility

There are Sooooo many good things about this workout that will help you on the hockey rink. I look at this workout as the "Perfect the Golden Triangle" or "Perfect the Golden Rectangle" workouts...

Ever see a high level official (an NHL guy) who is very light on their feet, quick, always avoiding pucks and getting in the best sight lines??? They are VERY, VERY good at the Golden Triangle and Golden Rectangle areas.

Ab Ripper -- when you first start this you are going to think this workout is a JOKE -- A CRUEL, CRUEL JOKE.

Stick with will come. Trust me. I was completely lost and nowhere near the 339 moves when I started. Stick with it.

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