Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 10 - P90X Part 2

Legs and Back

Ever watched any of these workouts? Ever done them? (I know that there are two guys in Duluth, MN who are busting some ass -- I've got to keep working to keep up with them!).

Ever heard Tony Horton say, "This is the Mother of all Workouts?"

This -- Legs and Back -- is the mother of all workouts for those who want to be better skaters.

A new personal best! -- I did 21 Close Grip Pull Ups (Body Weight Rows - paid members know what I am talking about {soon}).

Also...any extended leg workout I pushed myself to actually see how much sweat I could drip off my face...don't tell my wife this, but it was a lot and I loved (kind of) every minute of it!

1 comment:

  1. That's right!! You better keep up because I'm loving the routines even more the second time around.
