Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 6 - P90X - Off Day/Cheat Day

Saturdays are usually my off exercise and I can eat ANYTHING I want.

I have already started my day by eating 4 bowls of Golden Grahams cereal.

I will have a couple of doughnuts today. It's not uncommon for me to eat a bag of Doritos, have some ice cream, and knock back a couple thirteen, fourteen beer during the day.

EVERYBODY thinks I am nuts when I do this...and you may, too. The challenge is they don't understand the science. You see, I am the MOST disciplined eater I know (the only two guys who were more disciplined than me I have met were Skip LaCour, a professional body builder, and Bryan Pancich, an AHL linesmen, maybe soon to be NHL linesman).

Read this article here: Fat Loss Via Better Science and Simplicity

Starting tomorrow, I will be right back on the straight and narrow, 100% discipline.

Me and Skip Lacour (6 Time All-Natural National Champion Body Builder)

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