Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Days 20, 21, 22 - Rest and Lake

Day 20 was a rest day (I needed that...it was a tough week physically and mentally)

Day 21 and 22 - Vacation at the lake, did NOT workout. I fooled myself into thinking that I would work out. I need to be real, and understand that I probably won't excuse myself from the group to go workout for one hour. Therefore, I need to plan accordingly when I am home and not at the lake.

Here's my thought...you can take a day or two or three off to rejuvenate, etc., BUT you can not miss or cut corners on days you are supposed to be "ON". That's where people start sliding down the slippery slope and never return.

Also...this is about keeping your focus on what you want to attain. Me...I want to recreate the feelings of being on the ice for a championship game. I want to recreate that feeling of sitting in a locker room, drenched in sweat, breathing slightly heavy, just finished a game where I knew that I "nailed" it. I want those feelings OVER and OVER and OVER again. That's why I push myself.

I think that's what you want to...

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