Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 23 - P90X

Core Synergistics

This is good stuff. Why? Because the skating stride is all about synergistic movement, and those who are strongest in the core muscles will have the best success!

Here are some results from this "non-sit up" core (abs/buttocks/lower back/chest to knee caps):

  • I actually accomplished 10 Prison Cell Push Ups!!!
  • After that, I actually accomplished 12 Side Hip Raises!!!
  • The most satisfying is that I could do the Plank to Chatarunga Run, and do 10 Chatarunga Run steps first time through, Zero the next time, and One the Last Time!! (When I first started this workout, I said that there would be a number of moves that I was actually going to master - Plank to Chatarunga Run, a Dreya Roll, Fifer Scissors, 40 Mason Twists). These are bad-ass moves!
I can't really do a Dreya Roll yet...I should video how I do them. You might need a good laugh!

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