Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 82 - P90X - Last Workouts of Week 12

"Two-a-Day" Day!!!

Back on the pond tomorrow!!

Cardio X

This is one great workout!  It gives a lot of the best of the following: Yoga - Kenpo - Plyos - Core

Wacky Jacks = "footprints in the snow" = fast twitch muscles = first-step speed = see this [link]

Back and Bi's

I think I might agree...this routine is boring (maybe it's all that "Inna Gada Davida" type music in the background.  They should have something like this (it would make me think I was back in the High School weight room at East Grand Forks Senior High!):

However, I did "Bring It" with the pull ups.  I kept thinking about Lorraine.  No....not that way (although the German accent is kind of cute).  I knew I had to match her efforts when doing pull ups!

{In my best Tony Horton voice}: "If that ain't P90X, I don't know what is!"

1 comment:

  1. That is exactly what the DVD's need. Take it from a guy who has seen AC/DC five times live! There is no better rock music.
