Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 80 - 10 More Left! - I Kind Of Beat Lorraine

Chest and Shoulders

Way back when (actually on [Day 16]), I said that I wanted to beat Lorraine on the Chest and Back DVD.

Here is a picture of my results:

Anywhere you see a

Dive bombers at the end...forget it!  Toast!  I could only muster 2 of them!

Here are my oldest daughter's stats:

* Note of the day = What's your Motivation...some days I just want to "crush play" and do Plyos...sometimes I really want to do Yoga...sometimes the muscle building routines are all I want.  I will mix up a week to fit my needs, time frame, schedule, and, yes, motivation.  The thing I DON'T WANT you to do is say, "I ain't motivated to do anything..." = bad!

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