Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 79 - Fat Guys and DQ

When you work out, do you have a particular thing you fixate on to motivate yourself?

When I was in high school, I was an All-Conference Guard on our football team.  Yep, I played guard.  Used to be a running back, but wanted more action on the line, so I demanded that I be put there.  Anyway, during the off-season training in our weight room in East Grand Forks (usually with some type of AC/DC music playing ...hehehe), I pushed myself hard by imaging all the "fat ass-es" I would be guarding on the line.  I imagined them being at the Dairy Queen rather than at the weight room.  When I pushed up the weights, I imagined pushing their fat ass all over the field.

When I was in college, and I was training hard to be the best referee, I imagined some guy in Alaska working hard and that I had to work harder than them.  I imagined working the Frozen Four tournament in St. Louis, MO or imagined working an IIHF tournament in Montreal.

Today = Plyos X

I imagined all the lazy, thumbsucking refs I saw this past weekend in Blaine (about 50% of them were worthless - or should I say, not worthy of the games they were working), and I pushed through my workout imagining out-performing them on the ice.

What do you think about? (Hopefully not that these workouts suck and can I get through as quick as possible).


  1. JB, This is a great question, and I hope everyone posts a response comment. I have a few.

    1. At the last camp I made list of goals. I
    then made a list of why they are attainable, AND what was in my way. Turns out everything in my way is in my control. The most difficut being physical fitness. I wasn't just fat, but weak. I relied on my experience, knowledge of the game, and anticipation to make up for
    it. Well eventually I was working games where this was not enough. And I stopped advancing. I still have the drive so I have pictures of league logos printed on 8x10 photo paper in my workout room.

    2. My Dad. He is 52, and completed his first triathalon. He is fit as a fiddle these days and you have to be able to keep up with your dad. So I think about the possibility of running Grandma's with my dad and if I don't bring it BIG there is no way I can do that.

    3. Finally... A couple photos of myself. The first is June 7 of this year and I was standing next to my wife and neice at her graduation.
    I was fat. Almost the biggest I have ever been. Never again. And the other photo is me at a UWS game "filling out" a 52... And not in a good way. Never again.

    So when I am out of breath, sucking air and not sure if I can keep going, I look up, and press on, pump out one more rep and know I'm knocking down a huge barrier with each and every extraordinary effort!

  2. The first thing I think about is not even hockey related. It is of all the "huge" people that I have had to work with over the years. They have many associated illnesses and aches and pains. They can't bend over to tie their shoes and wonder why they hurt all the time. The second thing that keeps me motivated is the thrill of working high level games. I got a taste of doing a few "big games" in front of thousands of people. I want to have more of that and that means working hard to stay there and continue to advance.
