Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 87 - P90X - Skating Legs of Steel!

Yoga X

This a.m. workout was the moving portions of Yoga X.  I have come a loooonnnnggg way since I first started doing this workout.

The bitch is at the end = half moon, standing splits, twisting half moon.  These moves all put my hammies, my calves, and my arse muscles into some serious isometric muscle-building pain.  Powerful, powerful stuff.  Doing all of these workouts will definitely get you into that deep knee bend and athletic positions for power, strength, flexibility, and speed.

Here is a picture of my  Half Moon (it's the best I can do...Do your best and forget the rest):

Notice a few things:

1.If you don't have a yoga mat, you are really going to be limited (I bought my cheapie at Target and it works great).

2. My back leg is more like 45 degrees than at 90's the best I can do.

3. I am unable to hold this pose with my right arm straight.  I have to balance myself by placing it on my lumbar spine.

4. My arse muscles are on fire in this pose!  It's a tough bugger.

5. Notice I have pictures on the wall of Bobby Hull and Arnold Schwarzenegger for inspiration.  Also notice my "yoga blocks" (those are the paint cans -- they also double as push up bars).

5. Notice the have GOT to have one of these unless you REALLY like working out in a pool of your own sweat (see next pic):

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