Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 74 - P90X - I am Amazed at all the Videos

This blog is my accountability.  Guess what???  It works.  If I am going to slack and cheat, I have to report it here...and I hate doing that.

One of Life's Lessons = That's why some people never try...they would have to answer as to why they didn't do it and that would make them take a good look in the mirror.

Back when I first started P90X in April, I stumbled across this video.  It still resonates today:

Shoulders and Arms

Think you should do this stuff on your own?  Yeah, it might work.  You could get results.

How about in a group?!?

Social Aptitude - That's what it is all about.  

Example 1: I get a "tweet" (those of you who underestimate the power of accountability and using twitter as your accountability diary are only cheating yourselves.  I have yet to have someone prove me wrong - except for example 2 -so I will keep saying it until they do prove me wrong.)

Adam tweeted and said that he improved his Chair Dips from 10 and 8 reps to 2 sets of 20.  Well, I had to go back through my archives:

Looks like I used to do 2 sets of 20 reps and today I did 30 reps and 23.  Bring It!
Example #2: So I come across these videos on youtube of a couple people I knew (and some I don't know) and I see them post a video day after day after day.  Well...I can't let my friends pass me up!
Here's the latest today:
(I don't even know these people, but they follow my stuff - yep - Social Aptitude):
** I am a little nervous about her advice on not drinking.  Not that I am promoting drinking, but this is habit transformation...not a once in a lifetime deal...and I am a FIRM, FIRM believer in a [cheat day] - better research there.  My fear is that once someone would finish this program, they'd go right back to bad habits and end up at square one again (uggh!).

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