Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 66 - P90X - Planning Prep Planning

90 -66 = 24 Days

I have 24 days left in my 90 day round. I have made a couple of changes to a stricter eating plan...I have made a few changes in my schedule, because I am no longer in "off season" mode...and I have made a new change in my mindset...


1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. Planning

I have 24 days to get in 24 workouts = 4 weeks with 6 workouts per week.

At first blush, it would look like I can't take a day off. I will. I will not work as hard on hockey days. Ohhh, I will still workout. Just different.

I have become pretty adept at 2-a-day workouts, and I will use them quite a bit during this last "push".

Therefore, I am not working today due to my schedule change. My routine will become more balanced, and I can't wait until I hit the ice this Saturday for my first Elite II games.


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