Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 72 - P90X - Yoga = Thighs of Steel!

Yoga X

Well, I have come a loooonnnngggg way in yoga over the past 5 months.  I only fell out of one pose today, and had to come out of a pose due to excrutiating fire burning in my thighs.

15 minutes into the workout the beads of sweat were starting to roll off my head.

After the Chair Poses and Twisting Chair Poses, I was starting to breathe heavily.

The Right Angle Poses were too much again and I had to come out of them.

Standing Splits...Warrior III...ugghhh...did my best...felt like a dip-wad...soldiered on.

All Muscle, Steel and Sex Appeal (hahaha!)

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