Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 67 - P90X - 2-a-Day

First workout = Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

Why can I kill the push ups in the Chest and Back workout and this workout brings me to my knees?? Seriously.... I am so gassed that doing 5-6 push ups from my knees is tough. However, I did manage some decent (that number being 4 total) one-handed push ups!

(she looks a LOT better than me!)

I love the muscle build using the resistance bands. Yeah, baby!

Work out #2: Kenpo X:

Bonk-City...I tried something new. I did the workout in the same hightop basketball shoes I do the muscle building workouts in...too heavy. I thought, "Yeah, I will get a little extra weight resistance when I do all of my kicks!" I'm going back to barefoot.

I will be more focused next time. I also need to do the cardio workouts first and then do the muscle build ones second, if I am doing a 2-a-day workout.

2 down...22 to go for this Round of P90X!

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