Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 59 - Thighs of Friggin' Steel

Yoga X

That's how I view this workout...knee-bender's delight! This is all about getting low.

I tried something different today and would suggest it for you (if you aren't easily hurt).

Try a workout with your shirt off/just in jog bra.

Talk about psychological...I thought the "before" picture was I will rethink some of my choices in life. Man...watching what I thought was a trim stomach do all that flabby made me want to put my shirt back on! Kind of like when you see a dude at the beach in Speedo's, who has absolutely no business wearing Speedo's.


Since it is State Fair time here...seeing a girl in spandex shorts that should NEVER be in spandex shorts.

Those of you skipping your photos...your before and afters...your measurements...your just short-changing yourself!

(I could have posted a REAL nasty picture here...):

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