Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 86 - P90X - What in the "h" is Your Athleticism?

Core Synergistics

Hot dang, is this a good workout! To be athletic...well...let's stop there and review:

To be the best official you can possibly be, you always need to push the envelope on your athleticism...

Here are the 9 Elements I am Pushing for being in the best shape and being the best athlete:

1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance (Plyos, Kenpo, Cardio X)

2. Stamina (Plyos, Kenpo, Cardio X, Yoga X, Core Synergistics, Legs and Back)
3. Strength (Chest/Back, Chest/Shoulders/Tris, Back and Biceps, Legs and Back, Yoga, Ab Ripper)

4. Flexibility (Yoga, Core Synergistics, Kenpo, X Stretch)

5. Power (Yoga, Legs and Back, Plyos)

6. Speed (Plyos, Kenpo)

7. Coordination (Core Synergistics, Yoga)

8. Agility (Plyos, Kenpo, Cardio X)

9. Balance (Yoga, Core Synergistics)

Core Synergistics really pushes the envelope with a number of these elements.  In fact, I will have a video coming out that is P90X complimentary and talks about hockey referee athleticism (I will put it in this link as a post-edit addition when done). But, I want you to notice in parentheses the P90 workouts that cover each area.

Note: I can almost do that d*mn Dreya Roll...I have one more chance to do it this week.  That's 6 months of work and no results = piss me right off!!

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