Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 53 - Abbreviated Workout - pre DOS

Core Synergistics

So...I got up at 2:00 am this morning to cut a bunch of video clips for the District Officiating Seminar(DOS) in Blaine, MN this weekend, and I still had to do an abbreviated workout due to time restraints.

Now, I know that I have been harping on 1. Planning, 2. Preparation, and 3. Planning...but...seriously...should I have gotten up at 1:00 am instead??? Two hours of sleep???

However you look at it, I feel comfortable with the outcome because it is recovery week. I have been feeling really good lately (minus the sore butt cheeks from doing two rounds of Yoga X this week).

My family is off to the State Fair today. Yum, yum (there will no following of any type of diet today!). Deep fried Snickers Bar, here I come!!

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