Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 44 - P90X - Kenpo

Kenpo X

There are two drives that are associated with the forward and backward skate:

1. The "push" drive, where you do the full extension (we'll call that the Power Drive).

2. The "recover" drive, where you recover the leg back to it's starting position, in order to get the LONGEST stride possible (we'll call this the RPM Drive, because it's what allows you to turn your LONG stride over and over again as fast as possible and as efficient as possible).

We are used to doing exercises in our lifetime where we are pushing - squats, running, jumping, skipping, plyos, etc. We are pushing our muscles against a resistance point, like the ice, the court, the pavement.

We are not used to driving our muscles against no resistance = OOPS in the skating world.

That equals short strides...

That equals "railroading"...

That equals poor turnover of our stride = slow = inefficient.

Kenpo X has you doing Martial Arts moves where you are firing your leg muscles against...nothing. Thin air. Kicking an imaginary person in the balls.

If you avoid doing these exercises, your skating stride will have low, inefficient RPMs. And that would equal an "OOPS"

1 comment:

  1. I like kicking imaginary people in the balls! It gives me alomst as much satisfaction as the knee to the imaginary head
