Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 45 - P90X - Legs and Back

Legs and Back

Those of you who are doing this workout, CONGRATS!, because the following exercises help build SERIOUS skating muscles:

  • Balance Lunge
  • Calf-Raise Squat
  • Super Skater
  • Wall Squats (two-legged)
  • Step Back Lunge
  • Alternating Side Lunge
  • Single-Leg Wall Squat
  • Deadlift Squat
  • Sneaky Lunge
  • Chair Salutations
  • Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
  • Groucho Walk
  • Calf Raises
  • 80/20 Siebers - Speed Squat (I do 80/20 Hindu Squats)
Yeah, Baby! Bring on that 105 degree knee bend when skating!!!!

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