Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 39 - No Dice Today (again!) - Bad Planning

First Update:

Day 38 (Wed. Aug 12) - I was finishing my second workout of the day - Back and Biceps and Ab Ripper X

I was doing the Ab Ripper X workout portion, had about 2-3 minutes left, and my 4 yr. old daughter was in the workout room with me. I have a treadmill that she likes to walk on. We get it going about 2-3 mph, nothing too serious (at least that's what I thought).

She is right next to me, and the belt on the treadmill is running. A toy falls under the treadmill, she goes to reach for it, and gets her hand caught in the belt. It's stuck and she is screaming...

I get up from my exercise mat, and yank her hand out. She has peeled the skin off her index, middle, and ring fingers on the palm of her right hand. She also has some abrasions on her plam and the 'pad' of her thumb., raw exposed skin.

We go to urgent workout is done prematurely.

Now on to Thus Aug 13...


I have treadmill sessions lined up for the guys that night. This will be my workout time for the day...

{{{{{{My ongoing mistake in planning = trying to do too much in too short of a time = unrealistic}}}}}}

I was going there with a high school buddy, who is a Thrivent Financial Rep, and I am going as a guest of his. I am on his time clock and I needed to respect that. I did not get home until 8:30 pm (I had no idea what to expect going to my first golf tournament - let alone my first Major golf tournament) and thought I could do both the golf thing and the treadmill thing.

No dice. Especially when I got home and my 4 yr. old needed help re-dressing her bandage on her hand, etc.

1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. More planning

Those are keys to scheduling life, work, hockey, and training. It's a 12 Week Transformation to instill habits for a lifetime. Habits of excellence. I will pay closer attention to Numbers 1 and 3 on my list...

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