Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 28 - P90X - Phase 2 Begins!

That means I have done 4 weeks into my second round of P90X

Today: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Ab Ripper X

Wow!! It has been over a month since I have done this workout. Talk about muscle confusion!!

I thought I was doing pretty darn good on the push ups exercises from Phase 1. Now Tony, that 'you-know-what' throws all different kinds of push moves at me, and I struggle to do 5 - 6. Talk about a workout! And...totally satisfying.


Why on earth would I push a bunch of referees to workout like this?? Well...there's a few reasons:

(1) It is hockey referee specific (the legs, cardio, yoga and plyos are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED....nope....MANDATORY for anyone who wants to skate faster and powerful.

(2) You could stand to drop some body fat. That'll make you quicker right there.

(3) It's mental. It sharpens your desire. It builds confidence in you. I could go on and on, but I will relate a story from yesterday at our local hockey referee golf outing.

I decided to wear a pair of my favorite shorts, and they come down to mid-thigh, which isn't necessarily the most in style right now (ask me if I give a rip...). I did wear them because I am confident in my workouts from P90X...You see, I've been bringing it. The yoga...they plyos...the isometric leg muscle builds...all have added muscle and definition to my thighs (not to mention I am quicker on my skates than I can EVER age 37. Better than I was at 18!

So, I can this confidence with me, and I wasn't at the golf course for more than 10 minutes and someone had already commented on my thighs. Darn right!

Imagine stepping on the ice, bringing that confidence to your game? Darn right!

P.S. (I did 40 consecutive Mason Twists!!! I am so happy...and...confident :)

Here's my latest pic:

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