Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 30 - P90X

Did not workout today. Ran around all day. Made the bad choice that I would work out at the end of the evening, no matter what. Yeah right. I was too tired at the end of the day.

Here's where I am going to get a bit 'preachy'...

This 12 Week Transformation Stuff works...it is not a "one-time shot". I have read where people are just going to add their workouts to the end of their 90 days...that's not how it works. I have read where people can't wait until it's over...that's not how it works. I have read that people are going to kick some serious butt when they finally decide to do something (otherwise, they won't start it because then...well....they would actually have to do something and then their weaknesses would be exposed...the safe choice is the 'non-commitment choice'.)

Therefore, I will NOT put my missed workout at the end of the deal. I will NOT wait until life is less "BUSY" and I will NOT go through week in and week out hoping for the best and doing nothing.

I made my transformation 7 years ago. I have been working hard ever since. I have been going week in and week out exercising, pushing for better, eating the right way, doing what works.

This stuff works. Go work it!

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