Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 50 - Somehow I Got My Day Count Off

The chart on the wall in my workout room says, "Aug 24 = Day 50"

I will have to go back through my posts and see where I goofed...(I have now done that and realized it happened way back on day, from now on, I'll just use the correct Day and Date)


Yoga X

As I was going through the different types of poses that put some MAJOR STRESS on your thighs, creating big-time burn (and BIG-TIME muscle build, too!), I realized that this workout is PERFECT for building skating legs.

I was thinking back to last Thursday when I was on the skating treadmill. Tony, the instructor, said, "Have you videotaped yourself skating lately? You've gotten really low on your knee bend."

Answer = I have not skated on the treadmill for a full training session since June 25. In that time frame I have been doing no on-ice training...ONLY P90X...and the Yoga poses are perfect for building that deep knee bend.

I Love It! And you should, too!

Warrior 1 Pose:

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