Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 40 and 41

Scheduled Day Off and Taking a Day Off

Realistic Planning 101 - Today, Sunday Aug 16, we are going to my wife's aunt's 70th birthday party. That will mean lots of Germans from Central MN who like to drink beer and eat good food.

How often do we celebrate someone's 70th?? Once a year? Once a decade??

This is a special occasion. I will make an exception for this and enjoy it. However, there are two caveats here that will keep you on the straight and narrow --

1) You can't be choosing "special occasions" every weekend, and make a habit out skipping out and eating (sometimes drinking) yourself out of shape.

2) I have to schedule my week here accordingly. Skipping without making up is setting yourself up to always "take one step forward, two steps back". That sucks.

This week I have the Zebra Open Charity Golf on Friday. Therefore, I will not be working out that day and I will be partaking in a few beers, some burgers, and greasy potato chips. That's OK, because I will have Friday as a cheat day and Saturday will be back on course.

1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. Planning

The 12 Week Transformation is a process to set you up for becoming a "well oiled machine" when it comes to fitness, nutrition, and, more importantly, mental toughness.

This week = 6 workouts = 4 days = (2) two-a-days. I can go enjoy my Sunday with my wife's family. And not worry about any type of cheating :).

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