Thursday, October 8, 2009

Training - Cylces of Training - How's Your Training?

Well, boys and girls, today is Thus. Oct. 8 and I am in a week of basically nothing.  I got two workouts in this week and that's OK with me.  You see, for the past 26 weeks I have worked out at least 3 times a week, and during the past 13 weeks, I have worked out 5 days a week on average...that means 65 workouts in those 13 weeks. 

I need a rest.  It keeps me sane.  BUT!...only for one week.

I do this to keep it fresh.  I may be preaching to a really, really small choir here, but if you workout constantly all the time, week in and week out, two things happen (and they are both bad): (1) you get sick-and-tired of it and then you quit for a long period of time, or (2) your body just adapts and you get no growth.

Keep it fresh.  If you did 12 weeks on, 1 week off, and followed that for one calendar year, that would be 52 weeks worth of  GAINS, KICKING SERIOUS BUTT, and KEEPING IT FRESH, and...One calendar year!

Let's see where you are at in one year...fatter? slower? older?  Not me.

** See you on Monday October 12 for 60 days of Insanity!

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