Monday, October 26, 2009

Get Back on The Right Track?

Dude...there's been nothing to report. This is a suck-wad, lame part of life right now. You must really feel suck-wad to be a hockey referee who really wants (or so they say, they 'really want') to move up in life and they do nothing to get better. Suck wad.'s my report for the past 7 days:

MON - sick
TUE - sick
WED - sick
THU - really sick
FRI - not so sick, worked a Jr. game
SAT - getting better, worked 4 Elite II H.S. games
SUN - getting even better, worked 2 Elite II H.S. games, benched a coach and chewed him out (hehehe).

MON 10/26 - coughing up a lung (praying I can start working out tomorrow!). mild nothing but bed rest and then sucking it up for some games (and I was still better in the games, thanks to all of this great conditioning and workouts I have done = SWEET!).

See you tomorrow?

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