Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 26 - P90X

Core Synergistics

Have you ever been on your hands and knees, gasping for air, sweating like a banshee, and praying to God for the pain to go away?

That was me today...

* I did 10 Prison Cell Push Ups again (with some rest time in there, too)

* I did 12 Chatarunga runs, and then just held the plank the next time.

* I held plank for 1 one minute for another exercise, too, instead of following the Walking Push Up

* No Dreya Roll today (how in the heck do they make it look so easy???)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 25 - P90X - Workout #2

X Stretch

This is an OK workout...Yoga does it for me 100 X's better. I usually skip through parts (like the forearm stretches).

Quite honestly, this workout is viewed as an off day, so I can "BRING IT!" on the other days (like the Yoga or Core Synergistics). I use the same mental thought process as I do when I am working the lines in a game...

"I'll rest here while I observe play in the end zone and gather my strength. However, when it is "GO" time, I will be busting ass!!!"

Day 25 - P90X

Yoga X

This workout is soooo beneficial for developing skating muscles.

I always thought I had pretty muscular legs. Man, workouts like these, where sweat is pouring off my face, have put a whole new "bump" on my thighs.

Bring It!

By the this workout in bare feet and most definitely use a yoga mat. I bought the cheapest thing I could find at Target and it works GREAT! I also use the same paint cans, the ones I use for push up bars, as yoga blocks!

Meet my yoga blocks!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 24 - P90X

Kenpo X

DNA removal, indeed!

When I first began P90X, I was an absolute FOOL! when I did things like Kenpo X...all over the place!...absolutely NO coordination...definitely NO speed.

This is extreme, boys and girls. The more people I introduce to this, the better. Skating involves 9 different physical fitness elements:

1. speed
2. power
3. agility
4. coordination
5. cardiorespiratory stamina
6. accuracy
7. quickness
8. endurance

You'd better be ready to Bring It! And if you are BONKING (aka no energy, which is different from being a pussy), you'd better check this out: You Need More Glutathione

Whey protein...vitamins...Omega 3's...sure, they're all great. You need something with some BALLS.

Ballsy Quote of the Day:

"Out of Sight =
Out of Mind =
Out of Work"
(my take = out of sight, out of playoffs for you!)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 23 - P90X

Core Synergistics

This is good stuff. Why? Because the skating stride is all about synergistic movement, and those who are strongest in the core muscles will have the best success!

Here are some results from this "non-sit up" core (abs/buttocks/lower back/chest to knee caps):

  • I actually accomplished 10 Prison Cell Push Ups!!!
  • After that, I actually accomplished 12 Side Hip Raises!!!
  • The most satisfying is that I could do the Plank to Chatarunga Run, and do 10 Chatarunga Run steps first time through, Zero the next time, and One the Last Time!! (When I first started this workout, I said that there would be a number of moves that I was actually going to master - Plank to Chatarunga Run, a Dreya Roll, Fifer Scissors, 40 Mason Twists). These are bad-ass moves!
I can't really do a Dreya Roll yet...I should video how I do them. You might need a good laugh!

Days 20, 21, 22 - Rest and Lake

Day 20 was a rest day (I needed was a tough week physically and mentally)

Day 21 and 22 - Vacation at the lake, did NOT workout. I fooled myself into thinking that I would work out. I need to be real, and understand that I probably won't excuse myself from the group to go workout for one hour. Therefore, I need to plan accordingly when I am home and not at the lake.

Here's my can take a day or two or three off to rejuvenate, etc., BUT you can not miss or cut corners on days you are supposed to be "ON". That's where people start sliding down the slippery slope and never return.

Also...this is about keeping your focus on what you want to attain. Me...I want to recreate the feelings of being on the ice for a championship game. I want to recreate that feeling of sitting in a locker room, drenched in sweat, breathing slightly heavy, just finished a game where I knew that I "nailed" it. I want those feelings OVER and OVER and OVER again. That's why I push myself.

I think that's what you want to...

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 19 - P90X Workout 2

Legs and Back

If anyone out there is following P90X, and you want to be a better skater, whatever you do, DON'T skip (a) Plyos, (b) Yoga X, and (c) Legs and Back.

You'll get more power and more speed/agility!

I love this stuff! I just wish there were more out there who would get on board!

Day 19 - P90X Workout 1

Kenpo X

Last week I attempted to do a "two-a-day" with Legs and Back, followed by Kenpo...didn't work too well.

Today, I am doing Kenpo first and Legs and Back second.

If you are a hockey guy, and want more speed and more power, do Kenpo (for more speed - do Plyos X, too!) and do the Legs and Back workout (you'll power up your legs like nothing else...I guarantee it!).

God Bless the USA, and God Bless Hockey!

(p.s. Just read the Tim Tebow article in Sports Illustrated...that guy's impressive!)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 18 - P90X Workout 2

Arms and Shoulders

Yeah, Baby! What a fantastic workout.

By the way...I have been using only workout bands this week, and will do so from now on until the end of the contest.


I want to prove to others that you don't need $300-$400 in dumb bells. You don't need a gym membership, where you can't play your DVD anyway.

You need the following:

  • DVD player
  • workout bands
  • a WHOLE lot of gumption
  • an Alarm Clock ('cuz you're gonna have to get up early to beat me!)
These cost over $400!!!

These are less than $100! (and work just a well!)

Day 18 - P90X Workout 1


Hot dang, that felt good! Yoga is not for sissies!

I worked out my skating muscles BIG TIME today. WOW!

I also kept track of stumbles, actual falls, and times I had to come out of a pose because it was KILLING me:

Stumbles: 19

Falls: 10

Come Out of Pose: 9

(The first few times I tried it, my numbers were like - 50-50-50!)

Forget his website...go to:
(make sure to click on "SHOP" :)

Day 17 - Hump Day - Humped It

No workout today. That's twice this week. I am not worried, though. The program doesn't fail me because I failed to work the program. I will do "two-a-days" for Thursday and Friday...then a weekend of fun!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 16 - P90X - Workout 2

Plyos - Ab Ripper X

About half way through I thought I was going to pass out...(whew!!!)

Just showing up is half the battle, boys and girls. I can't even get some guys to do that...(suck wad!)

I am over 3 months into these workouts and my explosiveness has improved SUBSTANTIALLY!

I wish guys who thought that reffing games was a workout would realize this is the best thing for you...(never mind me, if you want, but I am a MAN ON A MISSION!)

Day 16 - P90X - Workout 1

Chest and Back

My ultimate goal in this workout, no kidding, is to do them same reps as Lorraine!!

(seriously, forget about Tony and the other two guys...try to do what she does!). I can do the pull ups she can, but she SMOKES me in the push ups (I finished again only doing 4 Diamond push ups -- from my knees! -- and only 4 Dive Bomber push ups = gassed!).

(Later today...Plyos and Ab Ripper X! - you heard it here first!)

Day 15 - P90X - Skipped the Workout!!

I have no excuse...I could say, "Well, I am playing single Dad right now, because my wife is out of town, and my two kids aren't following my schedule...." The question to that answer is: "What were you doing at 10pm???? What were you doing at 5:00 am???

This casues me to really ramp up the planning (planning is a NECESSITY to come first, then the workouts and nutrition) for the rest of the week. 4 days to get in 6 workouts.

Time to Bring It!

Day 12, 13, 14, 15 - P90X

Friday - Took day off, ate sensibly, but I drank too much beer (planned on doing that anyway) as I played in the Galen Nagle Memorial Golf Tourney in Bemidji, MN.

Saturday -- Off day, Cheat Day (did not take full advantage of it, because my "tummy was too upset" from the night before. All I ate was some grapes and cherries at the end of the evening...ugh (note to self = not in college anymore!).

Sunday - Day at the lake, travel day...thought about working out once I got home. I should have, becasue Monday turned out to be a "suck wad" day...

All in all, 3 days off, which I had planned for, so I planned accordingly.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 11 - P90X

Kenpo X
Ab Ripper X

First-step speed - explosiveness - quickness - agility

There are Sooooo many good things about this workout that will help you on the hockey rink. I look at this workout as the "Perfect the Golden Triangle" or "Perfect the Golden Rectangle" workouts...

Ever see a high level official (an NHL guy) who is very light on their feet, quick, always avoiding pucks and getting in the best sight lines??? They are VERY, VERY good at the Golden Triangle and Golden Rectangle areas.

Ab Ripper -- when you first start this you are going to think this workout is a JOKE -- A CRUEL, CRUEL JOKE.

Stick with will come. Trust me. I was completely lost and nowhere near the 339 moves when I started. Stick with it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 10 - P90X Part 2

Legs and Back

Ever watched any of these workouts? Ever done them? (I know that there are two guys in Duluth, MN who are busting some ass -- I've got to keep working to keep up with them!).

Ever heard Tony Horton say, "This is the Mother of all Workouts?"

This -- Legs and Back -- is the mother of all workouts for those who want to be better skaters.

A new personal best! -- I did 21 Close Grip Pull Ups (Body Weight Rows - paid members know what I am talking about {soon}).

Also...any extended leg workout I pushed myself to actually see how much sweat I could drip off my face...don't tell my wife this, but it was a lot and I loved (kind of) every minute of it!

I Have Had Refs Say They're Training for a Triatholon

Day 10 - P90X Part 1


This week I have to adjust things accordingly (that's why documenting your results/accountability is SOOOO important - you know....success is NOT an accident...luck is when chance meets preparation...the 12 weeks is about transforming your physical fitness AND your habits of excellence...I plan so I don't miss out!).

Back to my week...I am playing with a group of referees in the Galen Nagle Memorial Golf Tournament in Bemidji, MN this Friday. That is usually a workout day. So, either I skip a workout or I double up on another day.

Today I am doubling up. I did 45 minutes of Yoga X this morning. I was sloppy, falling all over the place (it has been a few weeks since I have done that workout and it's amazing how much you lose in the area of balance and coordination here, too).

When you first try this workout, you are going to be like, "GIVE ME A BREAK!"

I love this workout and I will put this workout up against any run-of-the-mill workouts that someone else is doing. ESPECIALLY, if they want to improve their skating!

(p.s. When I get the time, I will put together a video montage of my yoga where I stumble all over the place and you'd think it was a blooper is that challenging...not to mention the sweat pouring off me when I do the workout!)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 9 - P90X

Shoulders and Arms Day + AbRipper X

I am a big fan of this day (because it is a "muscle build" day without the kick ass cardio). However, I was huffing and puffing and sweating...

Ab Ripper X

I actually did all the moves except for Pfeiffer Scissors and Mason Twists to full compliance (well..hip rock and raise is a bit sketchy).

This is a LOOOOONG ways from where I started. You'll be amazed with your progress in these workouts if you just show up and DO IT!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 8 - P90X


This is the first time I have done this workout where I was totally in the zone. I can honestly say that I was 96% compliant with all exercises.

The first times I did this workout, I was lucky if I was 50% compliant. Those bastards on the video ticked me off (if you've done this workout, you know what I am talking about :)

** Do you want a low impact way to do plyos that will help your "First-Step Speed"?...let me know**


Day 7 - P90X

Back and Chest Day - I love this workout so much!!

Once I get cooking in this workout, I am so much in the zone.

Remind me to show you via video (SWAT Team Members only) a variation on pull ups that will really help you develop more, get stronger, and put on some size!

BTW, at the end of the workout, I could only do 6 diamond push ups and then the last exercise of Dive Bomber push ups I could only do 5 -- I was gassed!!!

Interested in cheap push up bars...check out mine! I use them all the time!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 6 - P90X - Off Day/Cheat Day

Saturdays are usually my off exercise and I can eat ANYTHING I want.

I have already started my day by eating 4 bowls of Golden Grahams cereal.

I will have a couple of doughnuts today. It's not uncommon for me to eat a bag of Doritos, have some ice cream, and knock back a couple thirteen, fourteen beer during the day.

EVERYBODY thinks I am nuts when I do this...and you may, too. The challenge is they don't understand the science. You see, I am the MOST disciplined eater I know (the only two guys who were more disciplined than me I have met were Skip LaCour, a professional body builder, and Bryan Pancich, an AHL linesmen, maybe soon to be NHL linesman).

Read this article here: Fat Loss Via Better Science and Simplicity

Starting tomorrow, I will be right back on the straight and narrow, 100% discipline.

Me and Skip Lacour (6 Time All-Natural National Champion Body Builder)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 5 - P90X = Number 2 = NOPE!

I am too fagged out (that's a term my father-in-law uses, which I find rather strange).

I busted it this a.m. with the Legs and Back routine.

I am too worn out. I started the workout, but quit 10 minutes into it.

Moral of the Story = commit to your exercises every day...saying you'll make them up in the future is usually a pointless gesture. You never make them up (well, sometimes on occasion). It's lost opportunity.

Moral of the Story 2 = If you miss a day...forgive yourself and move on. Get right back on the wagon the next day. The big mistake most people make is they'll miss a day and then write the whole week off! Next thing you know it turns into a month! I missed a day this is now written off.

There...accountability out there for all of you to see. No excuses.

Day 5 - P90x

Workout #1 of the Day -- YES, accountability-friends!...I am committing to 2 workouts today, because I don't want any of YOU to pass me up!

Legs and Back -

If you have any reservations, questions, or hesitations in buying the P90X program, your money spent on the 12 DVD's will be MORE than paid for with just this workout = KILLER leg workout for skating muscles.

* Single Leg Wall Squats = WOW!

* One Legged Dead Lifts...I could only do 15 and I was sloppy

* Switch Grip Pull Ups - I could only do 4 and I almost fell to the floor and killed myself!

* Sneaky Lunges = 2 minutes and 30 seconds of DEATH!

* Groucho Walk - I did it and boy is that good for those "V-Start Muscles"

* Chair Salutations -- 30 second reps = I did it!!!

Register Here for Contest: 12 Week Transformation

Thursday, July 9, 2009

12 Week Fitness Contest Starts - JOIN NOW!

Why The 12 Week Challenge Works:

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

Why The 12 Week Challenge Works (Potty Mouth Version):

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

My Welcome to The Challenge:

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

REGISTRATION LINK: Click Here to Register for the Contest

Why a Challenge (NOW -regardless of the date) is FOR YOU!

The $1000 Bet - Laying It on the Line - and - The Best D*mn Refs I Know

1. Accountability - Are you going to do what you said you were going to do???

Check out this link for some accountability: [Click Here - $1000 Bet]

That guy laid it out on the line! He posted just about EVERY single day of what he had DONE (note: not what he was going to do).

2. Social Aptitude - I am going to copy a section from a magazine article in "Muscle Media" (March 2003) titled, "Creating Your Optimum Athletic Mindset". The author, Charles Staley, talks about SOCIAL APTITUDE:

"I don't care how much of an introvert or a loner you may be, or think you are, you can't reach high level success on your own. You need to surround yourself with others who share your goals and commitment to them. And the more spectacular your goals are, the more you need this support. By definition, winners are people who pursue goals that most other people would consider to be impossible. Recently a friend of mine joined a powerlifting clug, where he quicly noticed that he was by far the weakest person in the gym, despite being fairly strong by any other standard. Within a month my friend had added more than 100 pounds to his lifetime best squat! How? Well, he learned some technical poin ters for sure, and he trained very hard, but essentially, he got stronger by osmosis. In other words, just by being in the presence of a lot of guys who were far stronger than he was, just out of pure intimidation and (probably) embarassment, he got a lot stronger very, very fast.

Whether it's a matter of finding a good training partner or joining a coaching group, find people who share your goals and commitment. This can be one of the most result-producing decisions you ever make."

3. The Best D*mn Refs I Know -- That's where the SWAT Team is going. I am spreading the word. Guys are moving up in the world. This Fitness Contest is more about your mental state, your mental habits, your mental disciplines than any thing else.


Why You Should Train on a Treadmill

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

Day 4 - P90X

I did the Shoulders and Arms Routine. I really, really like the muscle building a great work out!

Ab Ripper X...that's another story. I skipped the Ab Ripper X on Tuesday, so this is the first time I have done it since June 25 or June 26. I was pretty good until the Pfeiffer Scissors -- I suck at those. Too weak! They're a bitch!

I actually did 40 Mason Twists...had to rest for a count of ten, but I did 40.

Feeling good...peace!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 3 - P90X

I did the Plyos today. Really BONKED on some of them.

Ever hear me say, "Practice makes Permanent, not Perfect"?

I was permanently dieing and sloppy as ever on some of the moves. No Bonus round for me today (I rarely do those...bust my chops if I should).

Overall, I was a sloppy mess, but I was "BRINGING IT!"

P.S. Fired up for the meeting at my house tonight! There's a whole new level of referees who are absolutely gonna rock the scene here in Minnesota!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 2 - P90X

Today I did the Chest and Back. I love that routine. Stay tuned for a video on doing more pull ups (or should I say bodyweight rows?).

Felt really, really good to get going (although I did a grand total of 3 push ups on the Dive Bombers -- and those hurt!)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 1 - P90X

Today is July 6, 2009.

It is Day One of the Challenge. I will be as accounatble to my actions as ever -- I will post each and every day to this blog (one decision I had to make was to get a Blackberry, so I will always be dialed in -- Ref 2.0 in Web 2.0 at it's finest).

These posts will also be my only text posts on this teaching page.

I am teaching accountability -- lay it on the line...put yourself out there!

Today I did not excercise. Crummy way to start a Fitness Transformation Challenge.

What can I say? Life happens...we celebrated my wife's birthday. Back to work tomorrow.