Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 57 - Phase 3 - P90X (5 Weeks to Go!!)

This 12 week Transformation (90 days is actually 13 weeks, but that's an unlucky number and 12 sounds better than 13) ends for me on Oct 3...and then things really start.

Chest and Back

The first and most basic routine that as added more muscle to me than weeks of bench presses, barbells and dumbbells ever did!

Here's my end of Phase 2 Picture:

Not much change from the end of Phase 1 picture:

Here's to even greater gains (and losses!) in this last phase. Bring It!

Day 54, 55, and 56 - Minnesota DOS

No workouts this weekend. I knew that coming in to the weekend, and got my 5 scheduled workout in prior (more like 4.5 -- and I chose to skip Stretch X, because I don't really care for it. At all.)

This week is another abbreviated week -- 4 days to workout...6 FULL workouts...two (2) a days.

I am into Phase 3, which is a HUGE, HUGE push! It's the last 5 weeks of the program. My season starts in 12 days. I am pumped to "Bring It" off the ice and on the ice.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 53 - Abbreviated Workout - pre DOS

Core Synergistics

So...I got up at 2:00 am this morning to cut a bunch of video clips for the District Officiating Seminar(DOS) in Blaine, MN this weekend, and I still had to do an abbreviated workout due to time restraints.

Now, I know that I have been harping on 1. Planning, 2. Preparation, and 3. Planning...but...seriously...should I have gotten up at 1:00 am instead??? Two hours of sleep???

However you look at it, I feel comfortable with the outcome because it is recovery week. I have been feeling really good lately (minus the sore butt cheeks from doing two rounds of Yoga X this week).

My family is off to the State Fair today. Yum, yum (there will no following of any type of diet today!). Deep fried Snickers Bar, here I come!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 52 - P90X - I'm Tellin' Ya

Yoga X

Here's what I have been doing with this workout for (2) reasons:

1. I only the the first half of the workout, because I am concentrating on NAILING all of those poses.

(I am almost there. I have to "come out" of some of the right angle poses for a bit to rest, and Warrior 3...all I can say is, "Do your best, and forget the rest.")

2. It's a LONG workout. I'm a busy guy. 45 minutes is enough for me to be super concentrated (is that a word?). Otherwise, it's like trying to do 25 reps of every Ab Ripper move...I just get all sloppy and can only think about getting the damn thing over with!

When I concentrate for 45 minutes, my quality is MUCH better. And those are the hockey referee-specific moves I want to master.

I love this explanation. So true. The results prove it!:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 51 - P90X - (Recovery Day = Ugh!)

Core Synergistics

Boy do I sweat doing this workout. I always have to remember to breathe, so I don't blow a gasket!

Here's my successes:

1. Did 10 Chatarunga Steps on the PLANK TO CHATARUNGA RUN followed by 5 Chatarunga Steps and then 7 Chatarungas...all while doing the plank runs inbetween!

2. I am always so gassed after that, that there is no way I can do the Walking Push Ups...I always choose to do a plank for 1 minute...I did it!

3. I did 8 Prison Cell Push ups = ugh!

Here's my not-so success -- Not even close on the Dreya Roll (stupid move!!!...makes me feel like a clod!!!)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 50 - Somehow I Got My Day Count Off

The chart on the wall in my workout room says, "Aug 24 = Day 50"

I will have to go back through my posts and see where I goofed...(I have now done that and realized it happened way back on day, from now on, I'll just use the correct Day and Date)


Yoga X

As I was going through the different types of poses that put some MAJOR STRESS on your thighs, creating big-time burn (and BIG-TIME muscle build, too!), I realized that this workout is PERFECT for building skating legs.

I was thinking back to last Thursday when I was on the skating treadmill. Tony, the instructor, said, "Have you videotaped yourself skating lately? You've gotten really low on your knee bend."

Answer = I have not skated on the treadmill for a full training session since June 25. In that time frame I have been doing no on-ice training...ONLY P90X...and the Yoga poses are perfect for building that deep knee bend.

I Love It! And you should, too!

Warrior 1 Pose:

Day 46, 47, and 48

Day 46 = Rest Day/Cheat Day

Had the Zebra Open Golf Tourney Today...imbibed in some beverages...had some good ol' fashioned picnic food, and had a GREAT time with 53 people who took "A Swing at Cancer".

Day 47 and 48 = Ultimate Officials Training Camp

Watched hockey all day on Saturday (over 14 hours worth at the rink!), ate very well in regards to being disciplined.

Sunday I used as a "chill out" day. No workouts...ate sensibly. Enjoyed the day.

Let's Get You Faster. Period.

This is one example of the video analysis we will do with you. See the videos below:

In fact, we offer this analysis FREE of CHARGE!

What do I need to get started?

1. Video Camera: This service is being provided 100% online. Thus, the only way that I can see your swing is using video. (If you are looking at purchasing a new video camera, I would highly recommend any of the Sony HD video cameras.)

2. Camera Set Up: Ideally, we get a shot of you coming at the camera from the FRONT, a shot of you going away from the camera from the BACK, and a shot from the side.

3. Video of Skating: Take a couple of shots (a) skating forwards, (b) skating backwards.

4. Send Swings: Once you have video taped your swings, send them to You should receive an email from me within 48 hours confirming I have received your information. You may be asked to fill out a short survey. If you are, please fill it out quickly and thoroughly.

5. Coaching Tips/Training Tips: I will edit and produce a video clip, much like the ones you see here, and a workout plan will be included. There will be specific information on exercises to make your stride more powerful, quicker, faster "first-step speed", and with greater agility.

(NOTE: These training tips are not included in the video. These are techniques I have learned from teaching hundreds of skaters over 15 years, and I only save those for the hockey referees who are SERIOUS).

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 45 - P90X - Legs and Back

Legs and Back

Those of you who are doing this workout, CONGRATS!, because the following exercises help build SERIOUS skating muscles:

  • Balance Lunge
  • Calf-Raise Squat
  • Super Skater
  • Wall Squats (two-legged)
  • Step Back Lunge
  • Alternating Side Lunge
  • Single-Leg Wall Squat
  • Deadlift Squat
  • Sneaky Lunge
  • Chair Salutations
  • Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
  • Groucho Walk
  • Calf Raises
  • 80/20 Siebers - Speed Squat (I do 80/20 Hindu Squats)
Yeah, Baby! Bring on that 105 degree knee bend when skating!!!!

More DNA Removal:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 44 - P90X - Kenpo

Kenpo X

There are two drives that are associated with the forward and backward skate:

1. The "push" drive, where you do the full extension (we'll call that the Power Drive).

2. The "recover" drive, where you recover the leg back to it's starting position, in order to get the LONGEST stride possible (we'll call this the RPM Drive, because it's what allows you to turn your LONG stride over and over again as fast as possible and as efficient as possible).

We are used to doing exercises in our lifetime where we are pushing - squats, running, jumping, skipping, plyos, etc. We are pushing our muscles against a resistance point, like the ice, the court, the pavement.

We are not used to driving our muscles against no resistance = OOPS in the skating world.

That equals short strides...

That equals "railroading"...

That equals poor turnover of our stride = slow = inefficient.

Kenpo X has you doing Martial Arts moves where you are firing your leg muscles against...nothing. Thin air. Kicking an imaginary person in the balls.

If you avoid doing these exercises, your skating stride will have low, inefficient RPMs. And that would equal an "OOPS"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 43 - P90X - How I Now Love Ab Ripper X

Back and Bis

I like this one. Good old fashioned muscle pumping workout (and it's a nice alternative to doing a total "flop sweat") even though I use a resistance band.

Those bands rock!

* I also love the "Inna Godda Davida" type music on the Strip Set Curls...:)

Ab Ripper X

I was going to report this last week, but my daughter getting her hand chewed up by the treadmill distracted me from doing so...


Yep, I gave up trying to do Ab Ripper 339...and I am thankful I did.

Here's what I do now:

I perform 15 reps on each exercise, focusing on quality reps, and rest for the remaining time. No guilt, no worries. I used just try and whip through the 25 reps, be all sloppy, and basically curse the world and everything in it...Yuck.

My advice: Do 10 reps on each...Do 8 reps on each...Do 15 reps on each...Do the number where you can focus on quality reps, and then reward yourself with some extra rest!

T.R. Goodman (Chris Chelios' Trainer = Great Man = Bad Ass)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 42 - P90X - 2-a-Days!

Here in MN it is the first day of football practice...I remember those August days. Seemed like whenever the 2-a-days started the Hot, Muggy Weather started...ugghh!

Workout 1: Plyos X

Performance update...with two alternatives thrown in there, I did the entire workout following the group. Awesome...that's confidence inspiring. I've come a long way, baby....

Workout 2: Chest, Shoulders, Tris (no Ab Ripper)

Ever done a workout like this with an exercise band?!? You'll feel that one two days later. Bring It!

See Two-a-Days at West Fargo [HERE]

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 40 and 41

Scheduled Day Off and Taking a Day Off

Realistic Planning 101 - Today, Sunday Aug 16, we are going to my wife's aunt's 70th birthday party. That will mean lots of Germans from Central MN who like to drink beer and eat good food.

How often do we celebrate someone's 70th?? Once a year? Once a decade??

This is a special occasion. I will make an exception for this and enjoy it. However, there are two caveats here that will keep you on the straight and narrow --

1) You can't be choosing "special occasions" every weekend, and make a habit out skipping out and eating (sometimes drinking) yourself out of shape.

2) I have to schedule my week here accordingly. Skipping without making up is setting yourself up to always "take one step forward, two steps back". That sucks.

This week I have the Zebra Open Charity Golf on Friday. Therefore, I will not be working out that day and I will be partaking in a few beers, some burgers, and greasy potato chips. That's OK, because I will have Friday as a cheat day and Saturday will be back on course.

1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. Planning

The 12 Week Transformation is a process to set you up for becoming a "well oiled machine" when it comes to fitness, nutrition, and, more importantly, mental toughness.

This week = 6 workouts = 4 days = (2) two-a-days. I can go enjoy my Sunday with my wife's family. And not worry about any type of cheating :).

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 39 - No Dice Today (again!) - Bad Planning

First Update:

Day 38 (Wed. Aug 12) - I was finishing my second workout of the day - Back and Biceps and Ab Ripper X

I was doing the Ab Ripper X workout portion, had about 2-3 minutes left, and my 4 yr. old daughter was in the workout room with me. I have a treadmill that she likes to walk on. We get it going about 2-3 mph, nothing too serious (at least that's what I thought).

She is right next to me, and the belt on the treadmill is running. A toy falls under the treadmill, she goes to reach for it, and gets her hand caught in the belt. It's stuck and she is screaming...

I get up from my exercise mat, and yank her hand out. She has peeled the skin off her index, middle, and ring fingers on the palm of her right hand. She also has some abrasions on her plam and the 'pad' of her thumb., raw exposed skin.

We go to urgent workout is done prematurely.

Now on to Thus Aug 13...


I have treadmill sessions lined up for the guys that night. This will be my workout time for the day...

{{{{{{My ongoing mistake in planning = trying to do too much in too short of a time = unrealistic}}}}}}

I was going there with a high school buddy, who is a Thrivent Financial Rep, and I am going as a guest of his. I am on his time clock and I needed to respect that. I did not get home until 8:30 pm (I had no idea what to expect going to my first golf tournament - let alone my first Major golf tournament) and thought I could do both the golf thing and the treadmill thing.

No dice. Especially when I got home and my 4 yr. old needed help re-dressing her bandage on her hand, etc.

1. Planning
2. Preparation
3. More planning

Those are keys to scheduling life, work, hockey, and training. It's a 12 Week Transformation to instill habits for a lifetime. Habits of excellence. I will pay closer attention to Numbers 1 and 3 on my list...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 37 and 38 - P90X - Dog and Stallion

Tuesday - Day 37
(I "dogged" it)

I did not workout at all. Work consumed me (I still have skating videos to get out there).

Wednesday - Day 38
(I pushed like the "Italian Stallion")


I traded some text messages with Adam Shadiow last night about Plyos X. He stated that his goal was to get all the way through Rock Star Hops without quitting.

He reported this (which is PHENOMENAL!):

"Powered through the second round of jump squats...Hit pause to sit down and thought I was going to die. 30 seconds later I was ready to go. This video is the ultimate in teaching the body to recover quickly 30 seconds on 15 off."

This a.m. I powered through all workouts and then skipped the BONUS round.

It was the most challenging mental test I have gone through in all of my P90X training. And, boy, was it worth it!!!

I thought I was going to die, too, but I feel great now (that tired-feel-great feeling).

This 12 Week Transformation is MUCH, MUCH more about mental benefits than physical.

MUCH, MUCH more!

Here's what "DNA Removal" Looks like:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 36 - P90X - Chest, Shoulders, Tris

Chest Shoulders Triceps

Ab Ripper X (I only did half of the workouts...saving myself for core workouts at Treadmill Training tonight!)

I don't work off-season hockey. I used to. A lot. I used that time to really develop. Now I encourage others to really develop themselves in the off season, too.

But you do need a break. Mentally.

My 2009-2010 Season starts in 34 days...that would make it Day 70 of the 90 days of this program. And I can't wait!

I am super-pumped to start the season. A whole new me!

Greetings...I am the "Chris Chelios" of referees!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 32, 33, 34, 35 - All at the Lake Cabin

One rest day/cheat day (Coors Light, here I come!!) in there...look at my twitter account to see updates for the other days.


Day 32 - Kenpo X
Day 33 - Legs and Back
Day 34 - Rest
Day 35 - Chest, Shoulders, and Tris (I did not do this workout. See the "COMMENTS" section below)

Day 31 - P90X

Back and Biceps
Ab Ripper X

I am loving the exercise bands. No need for spendy equipment. No need for gym memberships (that everyone tells me they get reimbursed by Blue Cross/Blue Shield...except...they don't go enough!).

I have never been so happy about a workout routine as I am now in my life.

p.s. I hate Fifer Scissors (I am going to have to really, really do something great in the next 59 days to master those!).

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 30 - P90X

Did not workout today. Ran around all day. Made the bad choice that I would work out at the end of the evening, no matter what. Yeah right. I was too tired at the end of the day.

Here's where I am going to get a bit 'preachy'...

This 12 Week Transformation Stuff is not a "one-time shot". I have read where people are just going to add their workouts to the end of their 90 days...that's not how it works. I have read where people can't wait until it's over...that's not how it works. I have read that people are going to kick some serious butt when they finally decide to do something (otherwise, they won't start it because then...well....they would actually have to do something and then their weaknesses would be exposed...the safe choice is the 'non-commitment choice'.)

Therefore, I will NOT put my missed workout at the end of the deal. I will NOT wait until life is less "BUSY" and I will NOT go through week in and week out hoping for the best and doing nothing.

I made my transformation 7 years ago. I have been working hard ever since. I have been going week in and week out exercising, pushing for better, eating the right way, doing what works.

This stuff works. Go work it!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 29 - P90X


I am proud that I kept up with the program half way through the DVD!!!!

There was a point where I felt nauseated and like I was going to pass out. PUSH THROUGH!

Hot dang I feel good now!

Paid SWAT Teamers!...look for BONUS VIDEO shot during the workout!!

(OK...gotta go to the park with my kids)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 28 - P90X - Phase 2 Begins!

That means I have done 4 weeks into my second round of P90X

Today: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Ab Ripper X

Wow!! It has been over a month since I have done this workout. Talk about muscle confusion!!

I thought I was doing pretty darn good on the push ups exercises from Phase 1. Now Tony, that 'you-know-what' throws all different kinds of push moves at me, and I struggle to do 5 - 6. Talk about a workout! And...totally satisfying.


Why on earth would I push a bunch of referees to workout like this?? Well...there's a few reasons:

(1) It is hockey referee specific (the legs, cardio, yoga and plyos are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED....nope....MANDATORY for anyone who wants to skate faster and powerful.

(2) You could stand to drop some body fat. That'll make you quicker right there.

(3) It's mental. It sharpens your desire. It builds confidence in you. I could go on and on, but I will relate a story from yesterday at our local hockey referee golf outing.

I decided to wear a pair of my favorite shorts, and they come down to mid-thigh, which isn't necessarily the most in style right now (ask me if I give a rip...). I did wear them because I am confident in my workouts from P90X...You see, I've been bringing it. The yoga...they plyos...the isometric leg muscle builds...all have added muscle and definition to my thighs (not to mention I am quicker on my skates than I can EVER age 37. Better than I was at 18!

So, I can this confidence with me, and I wasn't at the golf course for more than 10 minutes and someone had already commented on my thighs. Darn right!

Imagine stepping on the ice, bringing that confidence to your game? Darn right!

P.S. (I did 40 consecutive Mason Twists!!! I am so happy...and...confident :)

Here's my latest pic:

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 27 - P90X - Off Day

District 3 Golf and Social today...I plan on drinking a few beers, smoking a couple cigars, having some greasy food to eat, and hanging out with the best people on the plantet = hockey people!

Not convinced about how important diet and nutrition are in your plan? Non convinced about the "cheat day" yet? [CLICK HERE]