Thursday, February 11, 2010

Huston - BB1 Lines - 2/9/10

0:30 - An example of Josh "digging in" to skate hard backwards. on this in EVERY game from SQC to the NHL.  Push the envelope -- get out of your "comfort zone" -- that's how you become better!
1:10 - (With Replay) - Offensive player causes a stoppage in the attacking zone.  Bring the face off outside.  Face off locations are crucial when you get to a certain level, and are certainly noticed when your performance is being measured against other performances (like at a State Tournament).
3:27 -  1st 10 feet are KEY -- Be sharp out there by working hard on the first 10 feet each time you have to move quickly.  You can absolutely 'kill it' on the first ten feet and 'coast' the remaining 55 feet, and you will still look sharper doing so.  First-step speed = your reason to become faster.
5:15 - Hold your washout longer.
5:45 - There is no "sharpness" on this stoppage.  Be sharp, by coming off hard in your first 10 feet, stopping hard when you get to your destination.  Be sharp.
6:30 - Another good example of digging in on backwards skating...push the envelope.
9:00 - Good example of a wash out -- from now on I dare all of you to hold your wash outs for 5 seconds!

0:30 -  Once again, be 'sharp' on the first 10 feet when you fly in to the net on stoppages.
2:00 -  Pant length - Josh has great length in his pants. The referee's pants are too short.
3:00 -  (Instant Replay) - The defensive player gets a penalty and we take the puck outside for the face off.  Run through your 'mental rolodex' on each stoppage = watch the players - watch the benches - watch the clock - where's the face off? - what's coming up? - watch the players, etc.
5:15 - Example of good stride -- now, just need you to hold your wash out longer :)
6:20 - Get into a pre-face off routine of checking the wings behind you...stand 90 degrees to the play, so you have one eye on the backside wingers.
8:00 - Check From Behind (goofy replay = sorry) - Good job being at the bench for ref/coach conversation.  I did question the consistency of this call compared to the two previous cross checks that were called.

0:17 - Hold your washouts
1:00 - Good awareness and good potential cover for your partner.  Good job keeping head on a swivel.
2:00 - I talk about "Real Time Processing" for referee feedback.  This is the first time I talk about the fact that for our "Ultimate Officials High School Ref Camp", we are going to have a earpiece for one of the officials, so they can get feedback on their performance INSTANTLY, in real time.  This will allow for even faster development, because you are able to make changes and remember them (that's key) much better than you would if you heard about it after the game.  I am super excited for this technological advancement to advance referees.  I hope everyone joins.
4:17 - You have gotta go here - be sharp - be fast on that first 10 feet.
7:00 - This is another good example of Josh really working on ripping through his backwards edges.
8:30 -  Treadmill training - I give a commercial talking about the benefits of treadmill training and how you can outlast your competition.

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