Friday, February 12, 2010

Arndt - JV Ref - 2/11/10

0:00 - Example of a ready position that has too wide of a stance.
1:00-ish - Working the goal line is all about "Working the Puck" and battling for the last 10 feet.  Get a good sight line, be close to the net, and stay out of harms way.
4:00 - the pile drive check into the boards (so-so look at it)
6:00 - Square yourself to the play and the puck...don't stand 'flat back' to the puck when it is in the zone.
8:00 -  I talk about how the front official doesn't necessarily have the best angle on the play.  When you are working with a partner, realize what their view is as opposed to might have a better view even if you are the back guy.
9:30 -  A close up of a puck drop.

0:15 - Skating to the net on a stoppage.  Eric shows the "efficiency model" that I expect everyone to do all the time ( and more, if you can...).
3:30 - 6:00 - Another example, with freeze frame and replay, were I talk about getting the best sight line by "Working the Puck/Working the Check" and battling for that last 10 feet.

0:00 - 1:00ish -  Get to the net...gotta sprint to this near post...battle for the last 10 feet.
2:43 - Good example of a good, long wash out
7:00 - 9:58 - I talk about the way you can really tell when an official brings some pride and professionalism to a game.  It is easy to spot.  Eric and his partner are doing this in this JV game. 

Remember: There are two things you can control -- (1) your attitude and (2) your effort. 

Bring it with both of those and really good things will happen!

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