Monday, February 1, 2010

Biondich - Ref - HS Boy's Varsity - 1/29/10

0:00 - 6:00 - I wax nostalgic about the game of hockey and about what I provide for hockey referees with the Ultimate Officials program = The ability to recreate great memories over and over and over again as a hockey ref.  BEAUTY!
6:00 - be slow to report a penalty at the bench -- keep all 40 players in your eye sight at all times
8:00 - I read some of the game notes I took in the first period.

0:00 - 1:30 - I talk and show goal line movement -- explain the differences between elite level referees and you average guy.
2:00 - ALL IT TAKES IS TWO STEPS -- Two Steps, and many times 10 feet, is the difference between the really sharp and the casual.  Be a "Beast" (see Shadiow's game).  Do the Common Things Uncommonly Well.  IT TAKES TWO STEPS.
2:30 - I talk about switching ends as a referee in the 2-1 system.  Nick worked over 7 minutes in one end before working the other end.
5:30-ish - I rant about how I hate NCAA stickers.  Get rid of the damn things!  Would you wear your USA Hockey Crest in this game?
8:00 -  Awareness, be attentive, is a habit of excellence.  Do it in ALL games.

1:00 - Close up on Nick - talk about how appearance is communication.
* The rest of the game I ramble on about so much stuff that I forgot to take notes.  Enjoy!

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