Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Trumble - 16U Referee - 1/11/10

(D**n, I let this first part go over 10 min., thus the Ustream feed vs. youtube = user error):

0:00 - 2:00 - Watch this segment - these are all great examples of NHL goal line movement, being at the net, using controlled turns, and battling for the last 10 ft!
3:00 - 4:00 - talk about the beauty of controlled turns and why they are so important to you as a referee
6:45 - Talk about the smart move of getting way off the boards on long breaks up the ice.  You are out of the way of the puck, and you have the luxury of getting the best view as play is 30-50 ft. ahead of you...

1:00 - This is a great example of being at the net to observe a goal.  And then you have a great example of 3 P's...being the last one out of the zone, watching all 40 players at all times.
5:00 - 8:00 - I talk about the importance of knowing how to do both ref and lines well.  Also knowing where you are strongest in which duty, because that duty (either reffing or lining) will help you achieve some short to mid-term goals.

5:00 - 6:25 - This is a replayed example of being "in the picture" when a goal is scored = finishing at the net with your goal signal regardless of when it was scored.
9:30 - BRING IT!

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