Monday, January 11, 2010

Thielman - Bantam B - 1/7/10

0:00 - This first stoppage shows an example of hustle and awareness that 95% of officials WON'T do at this level...Good Job!
5:15 - We see a little "shimmy" of the shoulders here, but this stoppage is all about the little things again.  You would be surprised how small of the details that elite level refs do ALL the time that your average guy does not do all the time.
7:00 - Great example of  "pick your feet up and go" or "get on your high horse" or "footprints in the snow" get the picture.
8:00 - My belief on how 2 man games at a quicker level can really help promote and develop your hockey skills (if you sieze the opportunity!).

0:00 - Communication with a coach and how you should direct them to come down to "eye level".
3:00 - 4:00 -  Confusion on penalty after the whistle and how to avoid that.
6:00ish - Great NHL Goal Line positioning and then a penalty call - how to help sell your call and avoid confusion (please don't be a confrontational ref when doing this...that's my fear...).
9:00 - The mindset I would have when I just put a team down 5 on 3, after a string of penalties.

0:00 -  The continued mindset of we really, really need to be sharp so as to not miss any penalty infraction by white.
6:00 - A long dissertation on goal line movement, analyzing play, being at the net, and why I am willing to argue until I am blue in the face about advanced goal line movement vs. beginner goal line movement.

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