Thursday, January 21, 2010

D. Glur - Ref Jr. Gold - 1/20/10

0:00 - The new "Zip Your Pants" penalty - everybody review this one, please.
4:00 -  An example of great penalty cadence, 3 P's, and awareness (you are in charge of watching all 40 players)
7:00 - Example of not capturing the zone - you're 100 feet from play.
8:45 - I talk about the "Dave Hansen Rip" (<-- check out the box scores for the Badgers - that's talent!)

0:00 - I give a run down of notes from the 1st period
3:00 - 5:00 - I review an interference call and talk a lot about "seeing the penalty" aka "getting good sight lines"
5:00 - 7:00 - Talk about taking 'snapshots' all over the ice - doing 'color checks' of blue and white jerseys
8:00 ish - Talk about how to handle clock operator errors

0:00 - 10:00 - I do a WHOLE lot of talking about "seeing the penalties" - working for sight lines - "WORK THE CHECK" (also talk about your helmet being tipped too far back on your head).


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