Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gaskins - Referee BA 12/23

Game Notes:

First period observations - Take the stickers off your helmet....switch sides of the ice with a purpose - always make positional choices with the idea of (1) getting the best sight lines, (2) getting close to the net (if applicable) and (3) staying out of harms did a very good job of getting on "your high horse" early in the game and then you went from anticipation to read and react...

2:26 - attack the net - get to the net - work hard on the last 10 ft. - go for that last 10 ft. with all that you got - anticipate play
10:30  - going unnecessarily behind the net
15:00 - transition game - the best teams are the ones that transition the ice very quickly and the best referees are the ones who transition quickly
19:30 - this is a good example of "cheating" or a good example of anticipation as play heads up ice or a long pass is about to be made
23:00 - I like that you make errors of commission rather than errors of omission... that's a Herb Brooks' line, and it applies to hockey refs - making errors where you are making decisions is better than making errors where you make no decision - there are no wishy-washy elite level referees
31:00 - goalie penalties and the proper procedure/awareness needed

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