Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Biondich - Lines - Jr Gold A - 12/27

1:45 -  active feet are the key for momentum - talk about hockey skills, backward skating, and momentum
5:30 -  rip your c-cuts as you move up the ice - practice these cuts at all times to make them a habit and second nature

1:00 -  long dissertation on knowing who your competition is...keeping your focus on that while you work slow games...measuring yourself against the best and knowing that excellence is a habit
7:30 - keeping butt up against the boards - careful of drifting into the playing/referee surface

1:20 - PREMATURE SUBSTITUTION EXAMPLE - and why we mark a goal tender - a linesman's time to shine!
3:00 - why video evaluations are so key to truly learning, understanding, and developing
6:30 - "You Are Only As Good As Your Last Shift/Game" - remember this each time you hit the ice

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