Monday, March 1, 2010

Busch - BA Lines - 2/21/10

3:15 -  You are "Battling for the 1st 10 feet".  I talk about 'finishing' and battling for the "last 10 feet".
4:00 - 5:00 - I talk about "battling for 10 feet" everytime...I talk about blowing by the line and knowing if your partner is covering or not...and I talk about Polka!
6:30 - Talk about turning your back to the ice as a linesman and why you want to face the middle of the ice.
8:30 - Unfortunately, we catch you being a member of the 95% club on an icing (only 5% of the officials will skate hard up the ice when they are the back guy on an icing...we need to get you in the 5% Club).

0:00 -  Go, Buddy, go!!
3:00 - Marking the goaltender as the back official = your time to shine.
4:00 - Having eye contact with your partner should be a constant.  Talk to yourself over and over and over in your head about what you need to watch.
6:15 - You lined up in front of the "sad" bench after a goal.
8:30 - I talk about 3 P's and blood on the ice.  Take care of watching the players first and foremost.

2:00 - Line up in the end zone side of the blue line when your partner is dropping a neutral zone face off.
2:30 - Good cover for the referee...good hustle.
4:15 - Example of holding a wash out signal that is super sharp.
6:00 - This is your time to shine (when the ref has a delayed penalty) - take advantage of those opportunities.

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