Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Barlow - Jr. Gold A Lines - 3/6/10

1:00 -  Everyone needs to have the mindset of "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS ON THE ICE" -- doesn't matter if you are lines, ref, whatever...(Barlow doesn't display this - it's just a big piece of advice).
2:50 -  Example of a great battle for the 1st 10 feet!
3:40 - My first "Dan Schachte" sighting of the weekend
6:30 - "You Make the Call"

4:45 -  Example where you need to look sharp
8:45 - 10:00 - What you should be thinking as a linesman in these situations.

1:00 -  Good example of battling for the 1st and Last 10 feet
4:45 -  Example of where you could be pushing the envelope further and harder
5:30 - BLOW DOORS ON YOUR COMPETITION - Make it extremely difficult for your supervisor to put you on the bench.
7:00 - 10:00 -  This is the mindset you need to infuse into your brain -- EVERYONE!

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