Thursday, March 18, 2010

Trumble - 16U Regional Lines - 3/7/10

4:10 - 5% icing club member!
5:10 -  Slow Motion Instant Replay of Mike's offsides wash out and line call
6:00 - 5% icinig club member again!
9:00 - Another Slow Mo Instant Replay (of yet another correct call!)

0:00 - Being in proper position and seeing the correct sight line makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD ( and I explain how being off a few degrees can hurt you).
5:00 - 6:00 - OMG! The referee calls an offside! (whew!)
9:30 - I talk about taking this game to ONE LEVEL HIGHER

Part 3(a):

I think the frame 'froze up' so I chopped this part up

Part 3(b):

I give my wrap up and final thoughts.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Missling - MJHL Playoffs Lines - 3/6/10

 2:00 - Turn and go with the play as you cover for ref.7:00 - When you mark the goaltender on a delayed penalty (or when a team pulls their goalie), get your butt off the boards and be a "presence".
0:00 - 4: 00 - PENALTY SHOT!7:00-ish - I talk about maintenance mode and whether the scoreboard is your friend.    0:00 - a little "dust up" 6:00 - Backward skating tutorial*lots of good stuff and continuous action 

Cassidy - Lines MJHL Playoffs - 3/6/10

0:45 - Great example of wheeling out of the end zone face off.
4:25 - Maintenance Mode - I give the definition of what it means to referee in "maintenance mode".
5:30 - Good penalty call and how you should recognize that as a linesman, too.
7:15 - I can read the mind of the officials in this game and instantly see that they are on a "Higher Order of Thinking".

0:00 -  No 'sachet-ing' going on here -- pure 'bust your butt'
1:50 - My second "Dan Schachte" sighting of the weekend.
4:50 - Great example of anticipation and awareness with blue line maneuvers.
* lots of little things done correctly and with shapness, passion, professionalism, and attitude

0:00 - Take a look right away at the sharp movments.
* more good stuff to watch and emulate in this part - Know it, Learn it, Love it.

Barlow - Jr. Gold A Lines - 3/6/10

1:00 -  Everyone needs to have the mindset of "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS ON THE ICE" -- doesn't matter if you are lines, ref, whatever...(Barlow doesn't display this - it's just a big piece of advice).
2:50 -  Example of a great battle for the 1st 10 feet!
3:40 - My first "Dan Schachte" sighting of the weekend
6:30 - "You Make the Call"

4:45 -  Example where you need to look sharp
8:45 - 10:00 - What you should be thinking as a linesman in these situations.

1:00 -  Good example of battling for the 1st and Last 10 feet
4:45 -  Example of where you could be pushing the envelope further and harder
5:30 - BLOW DOORS ON YOUR COMPETITION - Make it extremely difficult for your supervisor to put you on the bench.
7:00 - 10:00 -  This is the mindset you need to infuse into your brain -- EVERYONE!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dornfeld - Ref BB Regional - 3/6/10

1:00 -Always be up one more level than what you are working -- that's how an upper level official does GAME IN and GAME OUT
3:00 - I throw out my challenge to see EVERY SINGLE CHECK - work the puck/work the check
5:00 -  I talk about my new timer and its issues...tune in

0:00 - 1:00 - Sharp movements are what is needed to come across effectively -- that equals communication.
1:00 - 6:00 - I talk some about sweaters and some about sharpness
9:00-ish - I talk about what should be going through your mind in a "non-event" game.

0:00 -  Listen to G. Rogers going off in the background...
2:20 - An example where Nick looks "really sharp" in his movements
4:45 - 7:15 - I give a detailed talk about analyzing the game.
8:00 - 10:00 - "Thou Shall Not Treat a Playoff/Tournament Game Lightly"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thielman - Btm B - 2/27/10

(guess what? I went over the 10 minute limit again!)

0:30 - I talk about turning towards the boards.
2:45 -  Nice penalty cadence - make sure you keep your delayed arm straight
3:45 - Keep your head on a swivel during line changes.

0:00 - STMA player gets rocked!
3:30 - 4:00 - This is a really good sequence of a face off and then pursuit of play.
5:20 - 5% Club for shagging icing
6:00 - 10:00 - Lots of good hustle and continuous action (plus a story!)

I do some comments of how game review notes become less and less the more you work with someone, how this happens in a week-long camp, too -- This is all about an official who is perfecting his "craft" as they move from one level to the next.

Voss - MJHL Lines - 2/26/10

1:30 - 2:00 - Great end zone skating backwards example and linesmen just flying to the net.
2:50 - The 3 P's and then, and only then, do you go fix the net.
4:00 - 6:15 - 4 min plus EJ for spear (we don't see it on the video) - I talk about what you should be thinking at this moment (it is a 5 on 3).

1:30 - 2:30 - More talk about the fact that "YOU PLAY LIKE YOU PRACTICE".  I also talk about the "tradgedy" of falling asleep in a game like this to avoid that.
3:00 - 7:00 - I talk about stories of minor league referees and the importance of being mentally sharp.

(RATS!...once again, I go over the 10 min mark and limit this section to the Ustream video):

* Watch and/or listen to this section.  Lots of "juicy" stuff in here!

(Because I screwed up is some BONUS hockey!)

(BTW, the Northern Lights won this game 1-0).

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bradshaw - MJHL Lines - 2/26/10

4:00 - 5:00 - Great wash out/ready position and great hustle to the net (both linesmen)
7:30 - Good cover for referee - being a presence at a 'hot spot'

0:45 - Nick is a member of the 5% Offsides Club -- this is a GREAT example
3:00 - You Play like You Practice - I explain in detail how this is so in the referee world.
5:00 - How to Perfect Your Craft as a Hockey Official & Steps You Must Go Through
8:00 - Great example of analyzing play to anticipate what might happen - THIS IS THE KEY.

* This section has lots of action w/ little comments - End with comments about improvement over a season.

Busch #2 - BA Lines - 2/21/10

1:30 - Great example of you battling for the first 10 feet and the last 10 feet.
4:30 - Another great example of hustle after the whistle.
7:30 - Don't cut off the referee when skating around the net. Go behind the referee.
9:10 - Back up to the boards after a neutral zone face off rather than doing a 'spin-o-rama'.

(GUESS WHAT...I went over the 10 minute time limit to be a youtube video again!)

4:00 - Example of marking the goalie (an extreme one by your lines partner).
5:30-ish - I talk about the conversations that should be going on in your head as you work a game.
7:15 - 8:30 - We have two goals here, and I talk about the importance of being aware of the players instead of being in such a hurry to chase down the puck.

0:00 - 10:00 - I do a lot of rambling about sports trivia and such.  Enjoy.

Busch - BA Lines - 2/21/10

3:15 -  You are "Battling for the 1st 10 feet".  I talk about 'finishing' and battling for the "last 10 feet".
4:00 - 5:00 - I talk about "battling for 10 feet" everytime...I talk about blowing by the line and knowing if your partner is covering or not...and I talk about Polka!
6:30 - Talk about turning your back to the ice as a linesman and why you want to face the middle of the ice.
8:30 - Unfortunately, we catch you being a member of the 95% club on an icing (only 5% of the officials will skate hard up the ice when they are the back guy on an icing...we need to get you in the 5% Club).

0:00 -  Go, Buddy, go!!
3:00 - Marking the goaltender as the back official = your time to shine.
4:00 - Having eye contact with your partner should be a constant.  Talk to yourself over and over and over in your head about what you need to watch.
6:15 - You lined up in front of the "sad" bench after a goal.
8:30 - I talk about 3 P's and blood on the ice.  Take care of watching the players first and foremost.

2:00 - Line up in the end zone side of the blue line when your partner is dropping a neutral zone face off.
2:30 - Good cover for the referee...good hustle.
4:15 - Example of holding a wash out signal that is super sharp.
6:00 - This is your time to shine (when the ref has a delayed penalty) - take advantage of those opportunities.