Monday, October 26, 2009

Get Back on The Right Track?

Dude...there's been nothing to report. This is a suck-wad, lame part of life right now. You must really feel suck-wad to be a hockey referee who really wants (or so they say, they 'really want') to move up in life and they do nothing to get better. Suck wad.'s my report for the past 7 days:

MON - sick
TUE - sick
WED - sick
THU - really sick
FRI - not so sick, worked a Jr. game
SAT - getting better, worked 4 Elite II H.S. games
SUN - getting even better, worked 2 Elite II H.S. games, benched a coach and chewed him out (hehehe).

MON 10/26 - coughing up a lung (praying I can start working out tomorrow!). mild nothing but bed rest and then sucking it up for some games (and I was still better in the games, thanks to all of this great conditioning and workouts I have done = SWEET!).

See you tomorrow?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

3rd Place Game - Manitoba vs. Breakaway Per 2

3rd Place Game - Manitoba vs. Breakaway Per 1

Breakaway v. Lake Superior - Per 2 and 3

Breakaway v. Lake Superior - Per 1

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 6, 7, 8, and now 9 = Uggh!

Day 7 - Off Day.  Good stuff.  Watched some great hockey all weekend long in Duluth, MN.  Watched a few guys really, really bring it.  Good stuff.

Day 8-10: Flu season?  Feel like warmed over not-quite-death (I have got myself prepped enough to teach two half days...nothing else but couch time, a bunch of quilts and some cough drops for me).  SUCK!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 5 of Insanity - It's Getting Better!

Plyo Cardio Ciruit

Shaun T is making me push harder.  Whether you believe it or not, I believe I've gotten faster in one weeks time.  At least my endurance is getting better!

Dig Deep or Go Home!

Blades vs. Team Illinois - Per 2

Blades vs. Team Illinois - Per 1

R - N. Missling
L - A. Barlow
L - M. Trumble

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 4 of 60 - Insanity

Footprints in the snow...Hallelujah!

Pure Cardio

Ummm...I thought this was interval training.  This is "Like a Pack of Rabid Wildabeasts Hell Bent for Leather" interval training.


If this doesn't give me quicker feet by the end of 60 days (plus a much trimmer waist line), I don't know what will.

Time for another "Ballsy" thought from Karen Salmansohn:

"You've Gotta Give Good Luck a Nudge...
+ (Balls X 2)
= Good Luck"

Manitoba Express vs. Mistover - Per 3

Manitoba Express vs. Mistover - Per 2

Manitoba Express vs. Mistover - Per 1

D. Glur
M. Trumble
A. Barlow

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Training - Cylces of Training - How's Your Training?

Well, boys and girls, today is Thus. Oct. 8 and I am in a week of basically nothing.  I got two workouts in this week and that's OK with me.  You see, for the past 26 weeks I have worked out at least 3 times a week, and during the past 13 weeks, I have worked out 5 days a week on average...that means 65 workouts in those 13 weeks. 

I need a rest.  It keeps me sane.  BUT!...only for one week.

I do this to keep it fresh.  I may be preaching to a really, really small choir here, but if you workout constantly all the time, week in and week out, two things happen (and they are both bad): (1) you get sick-and-tired of it and then you quit for a long period of time, or (2) your body just adapts and you get no growth.

Keep it fresh.  If you did 12 weeks on, 1 week off, and followed that for one calendar year, that would be 52 weeks worth of  GAINS, KICKING SERIOUS BUTT, and KEEPING IT FRESH, and...One calendar year!

Let's see where you are at in one year...fatter? slower? older?  Not me.

** See you on Monday October 12 for 60 days of Insanity!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 88 - P90X - Core to the Core

Core Synergistics

Well...I am gassed.  Doing this workout twice in one's a bi-yotch.  There will be no sugar coating here.

I did succeed with the following:

* Completed 11 Prison Cell Push Ups (I did 11 two days ago as well).

* I did Plank to Chataranga Run with 10 Chatarunga steps - Plank - 6 Chatarunga steps - Plank - 6 Chat's

* I did a 1 minute plank on my elbows for a minute straight

* Did the High/Low Push Up Under Deal for the entire time



(Hope your workouts are going well...or...just...going.  Well!)

Lake Superior vs. Team Illinois Per 2

Period 2 Video

Lake Superior vs. Team Illinois Per 1

Period 1 Video:

Day 87 - P90X - Workout 2

Kenpo X

Good DNA removal.  Pushed myself hard, because it is the last Kenpo workout of the 90 days.

Hope this helps:

BTW, I put the visor on backwards to get into my "Chuck Norris" persona...looking at the video, I may look more like this guy (HAHAHAHA):