Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cassidy - Jr. Gold B Midget State Tournament

3:20 - 5% Club hand off with partner
6:00 - I talk about, "The Officiating World is a Small Circle"
7:45 - Another 5% Club Member Hand off

* Lots of talk about footwork and the need to work on "first-step speed".  Lots of talk about positioning and awareness

* Good examples of the little things to do.  Enjoy another "losing fans blame it on the ref" story.


Busch - Jr. Gold B Midget State Tournament

1:30 - Arm swing needs to be north and south - you get some east to west action going.
4:00 - Great hustle to the net!
8:30 - Mindset we should have in this game -- loser goes home and I need to be aware of the emotional baggage that may go with that = hyper-focused and aware of anything that may blow up.  Put out all "small fires" so we don't have any "big brush fires".

* Lots of commentary on good positioning, awareness, and hustle.  Make sure you are aware of which end of the ice you should be working.

6:15 - End of the period....we should never be startled by the buzzer to end a period.  Be aware of 8 second drill and getting a whistle blown when play hits 0:00.
9:00 - John and partner get switched up on an intentional offside call in the 3rd period (this actually happens quite a bit, where a linesman will blow an intentional offside, go down to the other end to mark the spot, and stay in that end to drop the puck, even though it is not his end to work).  They try to switch back at an inopportune time and an offsides gets called that shouldn't be called.  This is when my "buddy" starts mouthing of to those of us sitting in the corner of the bleachers watching the officials.

* I GET INTO AN ARGUMENT WITH SOME FANS AFTER THE GAME.  I just couldn't take it anymore and had to stand up for the boys.  Remember earlier when I said that the loser is going home and their season is over?  There might be some emotional baggage?  Some fans had some emotional baggage and I felt the need to check those bags at the door.

Diebold - 19UB State Tournament

0:30 - Good example of battling for the last 10 feet!
2:40 - Good job finishing at the net.
7:30 - My challenge to all of you = see every single check on the ice - sticks, gloves, arms, elbows, knees, everything.
9:30 - Good hustle back to the goal line after the line change procedure (oh, I wish more guys would do that...)

* Lots and lots of commentary of Mike doing the little things over and over and over.

3:30 - Great Penalty Cadence (EVERYONE WATCH THIS)
5:00 - Good sequence of holding up and letting play develop and then battling for the last 10 feet!

Oberg - Jr. Gold A Midget State Tournament

0:45 -  Good capture of the end zone and use of a controlled turn.
4:00 - Good after goal awareness and 3 P's.
8:00 - 10:00 - Maybe my best ref analogy story EVER! (or maybe not).

0:15 - Great example of getting "out of the hole" or battling for the first 10 feet.
1:45 - Long Bomb Passes = watch the trailers and back checkers and trust the linesman will watch the net.
5:00 - What I say to myself when there is 5 minutes left in a period.
6:00 - 7:00 - Non-call = another non-call --- I am not sure here...
8:45 - Don't always be "tied" to the boards - get off the wall to get a better sight line.

0:00 - 2:00 - Watching end zone face offs -- what to look at.  Having an awareness of potential "picks" and then we have some Karma (hehehe)
2:00 - 3:30 - Experience in big games can be such an educational experience

** Lots more commentary to hear and enjoy! :)

Missling - 16U Midget State Tourney


0:00 - 1:00 - Refreshing to watch guys who skate hard and stop hard = appearance and performance.
3:00 - Hustle overcomes MANY things. 
5:00 -  Example of a guy digging in on BKWD strides

3:30 - 5% Club Member on initiating an icing = thing of beauty!
5:30 - Great sequence of Neil being mentally sharp, skating hard, and awareness = QUICK MENTAL PROCESSING = so key...so key to being very good.
9:00 - Marking the goal tender = YOUR TIME TO SHINE (or not).

** penalty judgment question and a development question (plus lots of more good stuff!)

Paskey - BA State Tournament

1:43 - Great Hustle!
4:00 - Talk about the mental state of mind you NEED for big games.
8:30 - Being a "buffer" between ref and players who are protesting a call.

3:30 - More strategy talk to mentally aware in close, big games.
6:00 - Talk about the things that are very important to remind yourself as you work through your mental rolodex.
7:15 - Goals come in bunches!
9:00 - Talk about "At Net Skills" as a referee and how that separates the 'good' from the 'great'.

1:45 - Time Outs - do you know this rule interpretation??
5:00 - I talk about heightened awareness (again) - tell a game 7 of the Stanley Cup story -- talk about the importance of clock awareness
8:00 - This is why we ref -- for games like this!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Glur - 2010 BA State Tourney

1:15 - I comment on the new pants -- LOOKS GOOD! (those who don't like Stevens pants, or the price of them, check out PG Pants)
3:30 - Line up directly across from partner when a neutral zone face off is not on a neutral zone face off spot.
6:00-ish - I talk all about being SHARP, CRISP, EXPLOSIVE, BURSTS OF SPEED, POWER and how that will improve your performance AND evaluations.
7:00-ish - I got a technical glitch

0:00 - 3:00 - The Prize is Worth the Price (see Darren busting his butt below...)
4:50 - 5% icing club member!
5:00 - 10:00 - I ramble a lot about what a good game this is and how sharp the officials look.

*Various comments on opportunity, being sharp, doing the little things, being in the right place at the right time, etc.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Majerus - ND Girls HS State Tournament

1:10 - Battle the Last 10 feet -- avoid getting stuck on the hash marks/half way = you need to scoot down to the goal line, skating hard towards where the puck came from.
3:00 -  You need to really work on the hard, sharp C-cuts and rips on the ice to improve performance and appearance.
6:50 - Battle for the last 10 feet.
7:10 - Body checking penalty
8:00 - Over-extended wash outs - you need to practice these so they don't look sloppy on the ice.

2:00-ish -  Why we should switch ends as referees in the 2-1 system periodically
3:15 - partner races to penalty bench
5:15-ish - Once again, partner is leading/pulling people to the penalty box - you should push/follow the players there.
6:00 - Did any of you get a manual on the 2-1 system? (why there is a need for education at the HS level).
8:00 - (Cody worked one end zone for nearly 8 minutes straight)

(screwed up and went over 10 minutes...AGAIN!...no youtube link)

0:45 - Roughing call (we'll place that one in the obvious category).
2:45 - Trip call to make it 5 on 3
3:30 - Good example of "active" sharp foot movements.
3:49 - Another penalty call and sweater size discussion (me - I wear a 50 or 52 --- trivia question answer = Ray Scampinello wore a 54!)
5:40 - Talk about positioning and "When in Rome"
9:00 - Slash on the hands penalty
8: 00 - 10:00 - Wrap up thoughts - first and foremost, work on battling for 10 feet, work on sharp, crips movements.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Trumble - 16U Regional Lines - 3/7/10

4:10 - 5% icing club member!
5:10 -  Slow Motion Instant Replay of Mike's offsides wash out and line call
6:00 - 5% icinig club member again!
9:00 - Another Slow Mo Instant Replay (of yet another correct call!)

0:00 - Being in proper position and seeing the correct sight line makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD ( and I explain how being off a few degrees can hurt you).
5:00 - 6:00 - OMG! The referee calls an offside! (whew!)
9:30 - I talk about taking this game to ONE LEVEL HIGHER

Part 3(a):

I think the frame 'froze up' so I chopped this part up

Part 3(b):

I give my wrap up and final thoughts.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Missling - MJHL Playoffs Lines - 3/6/10

 2:00 - Turn and go with the play as you cover for ref.7:00 - When you mark the goaltender on a delayed penalty (or when a team pulls their goalie), get your butt off the boards and be a "presence".
0:00 - 4: 00 - PENALTY SHOT!7:00-ish - I talk about maintenance mode and whether the scoreboard is your friend.    0:00 - a little "dust up" 6:00 - Backward skating tutorial*lots of good stuff and continuous action 

Cassidy - Lines MJHL Playoffs - 3/6/10

0:45 - Great example of wheeling out of the end zone face off.
4:25 - Maintenance Mode - I give the definition of what it means to referee in "maintenance mode".
5:30 - Good penalty call and how you should recognize that as a linesman, too.
7:15 - I can read the mind of the officials in this game and instantly see that they are on a "Higher Order of Thinking".

0:00 -  No 'sachet-ing' going on here -- pure 'bust your butt'
1:50 - My second "Dan Schachte" sighting of the weekend.
4:50 - Great example of anticipation and awareness with blue line maneuvers.
* lots of little things done correctly and with shapness, passion, professionalism, and attitude

0:00 - Take a look right away at the sharp movments.
* more good stuff to watch and emulate in this part - Know it, Learn it, Love it.

Barlow - Jr. Gold A Lines - 3/6/10

1:00 -  Everyone needs to have the mindset of "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS ON THE ICE" -- doesn't matter if you are lines, ref, whatever...(Barlow doesn't display this - it's just a big piece of advice).
2:50 -  Example of a great battle for the 1st 10 feet!
3:40 - My first "Dan Schachte" sighting of the weekend
6:30 - "You Make the Call"

4:45 -  Example where you need to look sharp
8:45 - 10:00 - What you should be thinking as a linesman in these situations.

1:00 -  Good example of battling for the 1st and Last 10 feet
4:45 -  Example of where you could be pushing the envelope further and harder
5:30 - BLOW DOORS ON YOUR COMPETITION - Make it extremely difficult for your supervisor to put you on the bench.
7:00 - 10:00 -  This is the mindset you need to infuse into your brain -- EVERYONE!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dornfeld - Ref BB Regional - 3/6/10

1:00 -Always be up one more level than what you are working -- that's how an upper level official does GAME IN and GAME OUT
3:00 - I throw out my challenge to see EVERY SINGLE CHECK - work the puck/work the check
5:00 -  I talk about my new timer and its issues...tune in

0:00 - 1:00 - Sharp movements are what is needed to come across effectively -- that equals communication.
1:00 - 6:00 - I talk some about sweaters and some about sharpness
9:00-ish - I talk about what should be going through your mind in a "non-event" game.

0:00 -  Listen to G. Rogers going off in the background...
2:20 - An example where Nick looks "really sharp" in his movements
4:45 - 7:15 - I give a detailed talk about analyzing the game.
8:00 - 10:00 - "Thou Shall Not Treat a Playoff/Tournament Game Lightly"