Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Busch - Jr. Gold B Midget State Tournament

1:30 - Arm swing needs to be north and south - you get some east to west action going.
4:00 - Great hustle to the net!
8:30 - Mindset we should have in this game -- loser goes home and I need to be aware of the emotional baggage that may go with that = hyper-focused and aware of anything that may blow up.  Put out all "small fires" so we don't have any "big brush fires".

* Lots of commentary on good positioning, awareness, and hustle.  Make sure you are aware of which end of the ice you should be working.

6:15 - End of the period....we should never be startled by the buzzer to end a period.  Be aware of 8 second drill and getting a whistle blown when play hits 0:00.
9:00 - John and partner get switched up on an intentional offside call in the 3rd period (this actually happens quite a bit, where a linesman will blow an intentional offside, go down to the other end to mark the spot, and stay in that end to drop the puck, even though it is not his end to work).  They try to switch back at an inopportune time and an offsides gets called that shouldn't be called.  This is when my "buddy" starts mouthing of to those of us sitting in the corner of the bleachers watching the officials.

* I GET INTO AN ARGUMENT WITH SOME FANS AFTER THE GAME.  I just couldn't take it anymore and had to stand up for the boys.  Remember earlier when I said that the loser is going home and their season is over?  There might be some emotional baggage?  Some fans had some emotional baggage and I felt the need to check those bags at the door.

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