Friday, April 2, 2010

Glur - 2010 BA State Tourney

1:15 - I comment on the new pants -- LOOKS GOOD! (those who don't like Stevens pants, or the price of them, check out PG Pants)
3:30 - Line up directly across from partner when a neutral zone face off is not on a neutral zone face off spot.
6:00-ish - I talk all about being SHARP, CRISP, EXPLOSIVE, BURSTS OF SPEED, POWER and how that will improve your performance AND evaluations.
7:00-ish - I got a technical glitch

0:00 - 3:00 - The Prize is Worth the Price (see Darren busting his butt below...)
4:50 - 5% icing club member!
5:00 - 10:00 - I ramble a lot about what a good game this is and how sharp the officials look.

*Various comments on opportunity, being sharp, doing the little things, being in the right place at the right time, etc.

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